Saturday, November 25, 2023

Found One!

Good news!  After I posted yesterday, I went on over to Amazon to see what kind of storage containers I could find, and came up with this one. 

I promptly ordered it, then panicked and canceled the order because I didn't think it would be big enough for my tree.  Then I thought better of it, and went out to the shed and measured the original box my Christmas tree came in.  It was actually smaller than this box, so I re-ordered it.   

Sorry Amazon, you must think I'm one of those squirrels darting back and forth in the road. 

It was marked down for Black Friday, and is made of heavy duty resin, so that should discourage critters from chewing on it.  Also, according to the product page, it's sturdy enough to sit on, so I can stack some of my other boxes on top of it to keep things from getting inside.  And by things, I mean rats.  Or squirrels.  But probably rats. Whatever, I feel much better now that I'll have something sturdy to store my tree in. 

Even more good news, while I was over there, I saw that the cat's flea and tick stuff was marked down from $69 to $48.  Naturally, I couldn't pass that deal up.  

And the best news, I found a couple of old blog posts that had photos of all my Christmas decorations, so I knew where to put stuff!  That's what I spent most of today doing.

Why yes, yes I do have two football games on at the same time.  This should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me even a little bit. But I digress...

Once I got everything out -- well, what I've done so far -- I took photos and uploaded them to a private FB album so next year, I won't have to go through all this stress of not knowing where to put stuff. 

You're not going to believe it, but after all that ruckus I raised, I actually did a couple of things differently this year.  I usually put this little nativity back in the kids' room, but this time, I decided to put it into my kitchen windowsill, along with that Santa thing I bought because it's cute, but don't really have a place for it. 

Kindly ignore my uncleaned windows.  I've put that onto the chore list.  But it's not happening tonight.  Oh, and those are not mouse poopies on the window sill.  They're apple seeds.  I thought I might try to plant them in the spring and just see what I come up with.  

The other thing I did was switch this up a bit.  Usually, I put a bunch of the green garland around all this stuff, but I felt it was a bit much, so this year I just put a few pine picks there instead.

I like the way it looks like that. 

I still have to put up my outside lights and decorate the tree, but other than that, I'm done.  I need to drag the tree out into the center of the room and finish fluffing the branches, then fill in the dead spot with extra lights before I can start decorating it.  I'll do all that tomorrow.  

For now, I've got more football to watch.  The Iron Bowl was wild, man!  My three favorite rivalry games which I'm not a fan of either team are Bedlam (I hate that it's ending), the Egg Bowl, and the Iron Bowl.  Of course, we all know the absolute best rivalry game is Army-Navy.  That's why it's the only game shown that day.  

Speaking of the Navy, let me leave you with this, just to brighten your day. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got football to watch.  

Oh, and before I forget, the local high school football team will be playing for the state championship next Friday.  I told Cody, and he was like, "Really?!"  Back when he was in high school, they usually only won 1 or 2 games a year, so they've come a long way since his day.  

Now, I'm outta here, for reals this time. 

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