Wednesday, November 08, 2023

I Forgot

I had a whole, big, long post all mentally planned out for you while I was at work, but now that I'm home sitting in front of the computer I can't for the life of me remember what I was going to tell you.  I’m pretty sure last night’s bout with insomnia had a lot to do with that. 

Instead, I thought I'd show you my latest knitting project...only I haven't cast on anything new since I finished the last hat over the weekend.  I don't know what's wrong with me, but you know it's serious when I don't feel like knitting.  But here is something I found on Facebook that I'd love to try to make.  

It shouldn't be too hard, but somehow when I do this stuff, it never turns out right.  I might ask Cody if Brennan is crafty like this, and maybe we can make a project out of it. 

That's it for now.  I'm going to close and finish watching this cheesy Hallmark movie I DVRed over the weekend, but before I is your thanksvember entry for today. 

Thanksvember Eighth:  I'm so thankful I live in a state that takes election integrity seriously.   It's so important, no matter which party you support, because fraud takes away your voice as a citizen.   

Oh, wait!  I remembered!  One of the things I wanted to talk about, at least -- what I'm reading.  I finished reading The Taming Of The Shrew, by The Bard.  I'm having difficulty reading his works -- not with the 16th century English, but with the play format.  I'm finding it hard` up with who the characters are, and who is talking and stuff like that.  I'm hoping the more I read, the more I'll get accustomed to it, and it will all make more sense. Seeing the play performed makes it a lot easier to understand what is going on, so I'll try to find a performance of this one on YouTube.  I also need to find a performance of Richard III, which I've already read. 

Before I move on to the next play, I decided to take a break from Shakespeare and re-read O Little Town, by Don Reid.  

I'd bought it way back in 2011, and the benefit of having a memory like mine is that I don't remember anything about the book, other than I really enjoyed it. I was reluctant to read it at first, figuring it would be cheesy and kitschy, but I finally gave in and much to my surprise, it was really good.  

So, that's what I'm reading. 

NOW, I'm going to end this and finish my cheesy Hallmark movie.  Then go to bed. 


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