Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Tattled On

I got tattled on at work yesterday.  It was pretty funny, too.

See, the department worry wart and I were both working on the same parts -- different orders, but the same parts nonetheless.  One of the adapter tubes had been made slightly out of specs, but not so much out of specs it couldn't be used.  We just had to kind of squish them into place.

Well, Worry Wart came over to me and asked me how I was making the parts fit, and I showed her.  However, the way we were doing it made the adapter tube not perfectly perpendicular to the header, but it wasn't really that bad.  If you didn't know what you were looking at, you wouldn't even see it. 

"Is that going to be OK?" WW asked.  I told her it would, and went on about my business.  I guess Worry Wart thought I was lying to her, because the next thing I know, she's over taking to Group Leader Shark, who apparently didn't appreciate Worry Wart's tattling, because I heard her yelling, "Becky is a good brazer, plus she works in the back!  She knows what she's doing.  If Becky says it'll go, then it'll go!"  

Sometime later, I walked around the corner to Group Leader Shark's desk and said, "I think I need to get babysitter's pay."  She just laughed. 

You know, sometimes I wish I worked normal human being hours. I like getting off at 2:00 and all, but this getting up in the middle of the night is the pits. I get home, work in the yard for a while, take a shower, then practice my piano and by then, it’s time for bed and I haven’t even blogged. 

Is it wrong that a tiny little part of me secretly hoped I’ll get axed in the next round of layoffs? Boy, I’d better not say that. I might just jinx myself!

Ok, then, I’m off to bed. 

Happy Solstice, y’all!

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