Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Horrible Histories

 One bad thing — or good thing depending on your perspective— about cutting off my internet is it makes it a lot harder to multitask. 

That is why you didn’t get a blog post last night. I got so caught up watching Horrible Histories videos on my phone, which means I couldn't compose a post because the photos I wanted to use were also on the aforementioned phone, and before I even knew it, it was time for bed and your post hadn't been written.  I decided instead of throwing together a half finished slap-dash post, I'd just wait and write a slightly longer one today. 

And, of course, in listening to those Horrible Histories songs, I ended up with a new earworm...and me being me, of course, I couldn't remember any of the words, so I just walked around at work all day randomly shouting, 

Magna Carta!

We had a bit of excitement today when along about lunch time, a severe thunderstorm rolled through, complete with heavy rain, thunder & lightning, and ...yes, hail.  A couple of my coworkers who eat outside came back in and told me it had hailed, and I said, "What????  Man, I miss all the fun!"  So I poked out my bottom lip and pouted the rest of the afternoon...except for those times when I was randomly shouting 

Magna Carta!

I think I'm starting to understand why I can't find a man...

By the way, I think there might be some sort of little bug going around the plant.  This morning, one of the parts stagers left early, saying she didn't feel good. Truth is, I'd been feeling puny the last couple of days, too.  I didn't have any symptoms other than just dragging and a runny nose.  I'm feeling better today, but my friend told me she'd been feeling the same way.  

At first, I thought I'd been overdoing it with clearing the fence, but now I don't know.  Either way, I didn't do anything after work today.  Yesterday, I got out and cleared these two trees --a privet and a tallow -- out of the Southwest corner of my fence. 

  They'd begun pushing the fence over, so they had to go.  It looks much better now, and it's not damaging the fence any further.  

With that, I'm just about done with fence clearing.  I do have one box elder tree that I'm probably going to have to hire someone to cut down for me.  I could have done it when it was little, but let it go too long.  Now it's just a bit too big for me to feel comfortable cutting it down by myself.  

In other news, I'd been hearing all day yesterday that they were going to shut down second shift tubing and sub brazing departments, and day shift will be responsible for carrying both shifts.  It shouldn't be all that hard to do, since it is only five lines -- three on day shift and two on second.  The reason they gave is that our production manager was trying not to send any day shift people back to second, only to have them quit.  And I know several of them had told me that they would quit before they went back to second.  At least someone out there has a miniscule iota of sense.  It may be the size of a grain of sand, but that's better than nothing. 

This morning Group Leader Shark told me they'd started this last night.  What we were all wondering is, what job did they send the High And Holy Almighty Sainted Demi-God of Sub Brazing Coley "Don't-You-Know-Who-My-Daddy-Is?" Brooks to do?  

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  

Whatever it is, we're all glad they didn't bring him to day shift.  Nobody wants to put up with his arrogance and attitude.  

And finally, this little turd opened my dresser drawer and helped herself to one of my undergarments.    

Not sure what she thought she'd do with it, but there it is.  

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