Thursday, May 19, 2022

Well, That Was Interesting

 Yesterday was the big day.  

The day I was going to see the oral surgeon and get these diseased teeth out of my mouth.  Cody and Brennan had come down to drive me there, then hang out for several hours afterwards -- just to make sure I didn't have some sort of bad reaction to the anesthesia.  

Because I was going under the IV sedation, I couldn't eat or drink anything for six hours before the surgery, I got up that morning and kept myself busy cleaning the house -- after staying in bed as long as I could stand it -- to try to keep my mind off how hungry and thirsty I was. Oh, I wasn't going overboard with the cleaning, just sweeping, dusting, wet jetting the spots where the dog dripped food onto the floor -- that kind of thing.  

The house was actually looking fairly decent, until...the toilet in my bathroom overflowed.  Not only did it overflow, it did so when I was outside sweeping off the porch.  By the time I got back inside and heard the water dripping, my entire bedroom was flooded.  I could have cried.  

I hadn't had any problem with my sewer lines in weeks, and it had to pick that day, of all days, to clog up again.  I grabbed every extra towel I had and tried to sop all that water up, after I stopped the toilet from running, that is, but there was just too much of it.  Luckily, I had bought a wet/dry shop vac shortly after I moved into this house, so I grabbed it and began vacuuming up water as fast as I could.  

In the midst of all that, I grabbed my trusty Drain King and flushed my main sewer line again, then put in a call to yet another plumber.  He didn't answer the phone, naturally, so I left a message.  I told him to call after noon, as I had an appointment that morning.  Wouldn't you know it, he called right in the middle of my surgery.  Sigh...

After we got home, I asked Cody to call him back, and explain what was going on, and why I couldn't speak clearly, but he didn't answer, and never returned that call.  I swear, they must think we have nothing to do but sit around and wait on them to get around to calling, or showing up.   

My surgery went well, by the way.  When I woke up, the surgeon said, "You did great." And I thought to myself, "Why would he say that?  All I did was lay there and sleep."  

But seriously, I haven't had any problem out of these extractions.  So much so, I didn't even get my pain prescription filled.  Plain old Tylenol is doing a fine job.

I'm getting ahead of myself, though.  We got home from the surgery and my new work boots I'd ordered had arrived...aaaand they sent the wrong size.  I got onto the computer and started a return, and since we have a UPS store here now, I chose the option of taking it there.  I didn't even have to pack it up or anything.  I took it up there, gave it to the clerk, let her scan my QR code and she gave me a receipt.  "That was easy, " I said as I was walking out the door.  

Ahh,  I'm getting ahead of myself again.  I did that today when I went to get my antibiotic prescription filled.  While I was in town, I also got my oil changed, since my car has been nagging me for several weeks to do so.  Funny thing, the lady who works in automotive knows me somehow.  Every time I go in there, she greets me like I'm a long lost friend.  I just roll with it, because I don't have the heart to tell her I have no idea who she is. 

Where was I?  Oh, yeah, we got home from my surgery and I told Cody and Brennan not to expect me to be very good company and to help themselves to anything they could find to eat.  They made fish sticks and French fries for lunch.  Then I introduced them to my Speculoos Cookie butter that I'd gotten from Walmart, and now I need to add it to my shopping list.  

We watched several episodes of Gordon Ramsey Uncharted at Cody's request, then I rented American Underdog.  I might have to add that one to my permanent sports movie collection.  It was pretty good. But me, being the dork that I am, had to be the one to research the tornado they mentioned in the movie.   It was an EF-4, but back then, they called it an F-4.  I'm not going to mention any more, for those of you who haven't seen the movie.  

As soon as it was over, we decided that if I was going to have a reaction, I'd have had it already, so the kids left to head back to Memphis, and I went back to vacuuming up water from my bedroom carpet. 

Let me tell you, I was absolutely appalled at how filthy that carpet was.  My carpet shampooer had given up the ghost a few years back, and I had been reluctant to buy a new one, because only two rooms in this house have carpet in them.  I thought I could keep it reasonably clean just by vacuuming.  I thought wrong. 

So, today when I went to do my errands in town, I picked up a new one. 

It's small, and fairly inexpensive, but it'll do for just one room.  Mostly.  I mean, the other room has carpet, but since we don't use it, it doesn't get very dirty.  I won't need to shampoo it as often.  

 As soon as I got home, I unpacked it and shampooed the carpet.  This one is a lot easier to handle than my old one was, being smaller and slimmer in design.  I'm going to try to do better about keeping that carpet clean.  Wish me luck. Working 60 hours every week doesn't leave a lot of time or motivation to clean house.  

Even better, it seems to have gotten so much more water up out of the carpet than my shop vac did, so maybe I'll sleep better tonight.  Last night, even with the air conditioner running full blast, it was like sleep in a sauna.  A cold, clammy sauna, but a sauna none the less.  

That was how my day yesterday went.  It was like a perfect storm of everything happening at once.  That's how my life seems to be.  Everything always seems to hit all at once.  Today was better, even though I never heard from the plumber.  The only thing left I have to show you is this one last thing.

While I was getting my prescription filled and oil changed, I meandered through the garden center looking for Lantanas.  They still didn't have any, so I gave up, and picked up this Zinnia instead.  

I'm going to stick it there on the end of my lantana bed, and maybe I can find a lantana next year.  

And , look!  I've got more bluebonnets blooming.  

These are from this year's planting, so maybe they'll seed the bed for next year.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch American Underdog one more time before my rental period is over, and it's back to work tomorrow.  Sigh, I don't want to go, but somebody has to feed all these animals. 

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