Monday, May 16, 2022

Canceled Plans

Well, my day started off with a bang -- literally. 

I'd gotten to work bright and early...or at least early.  Nothing is bright at 4:00 in the morning.  Just wanted to make that clear, since I know most of you sleep through it. 

Anyway, I got to work, went to my stand and began setting up to begin my first order of the day, not really paying much attention to the other brazers around me.  Suddenly, without warning, I heard a massive 


Now when you work with a flammable gas, booms and bangs are just part of the day, but this one didn't sound anything like a normal bang or boom.  It sounded like a bomb went off.  

I looked up and saw one of my fellow brazers running, and smoke coming from the middle of her stand.  "What happened?"  I asked her.  

"The regulator blew up!"  she replied.  The what?  I walked over an looked at the regulator, and sure enough, it was smoking, and the needle was completely bent.  The third shift group leader called the supervisor, and he came over and cut off the gas, then called maintenance to come replace the regulator.  And that was how my day began.  

The rest of the day passed pretty uneventfully, until right after lunch.  I'd gone to the thinking room for a minute, when I heard someone call over the radio, "We need delta plates to the front of line..."  I don't remember which line it was, but that doesn't matter.  

"They're going to have to wait, I'm in the bathroom," replied the delta plate parts stager.  

"We need delta plates!  The line is down!" replied the assembly line group leader.  

"Someone else is going to have to get them.  I'm in the bathroom," said the parts stager.

"But the line is down!"

"And I really am in the bathroom," said the parts stager.  "Hear this?" And she then flushed the toilet.  

Well, it was funny at the time.  I guess you had to be there. 

OK, moving right along.  The plan over the weekend was to cut all of this stuff is out of my roses and get them all cleaned up. 

 There is some sort of tree -- might be an elm, I don't know -- some poison ivy, a crepe myrtle, privet, and a bunch of other stuff that I've let get out of hand over the years.  So, yesterday afternoon, I got my loppers and got started.  Alas, I didn't get very far when I was severely chastised by an angry mama bird.  Upon closer inspection,  I found the nest, with what looks like a thrush sitting on it. 

I know it's not the best photo, but I didn't want to disturb her any more than I had to.

In that instant, my plans had changed, and the rose cleanup will be put on hold until the baby birds have flown the nest.

What did I do instead?  I came inside, binged the entire season 1 of The Chosen, and knit.

Now, if you are a knitter, you already know we knitters usually have multiple projects on the needles at the same time.  If you're not a knitter, we usually all have multiple projects on the needles at the same time.  This is so we don't get burned out.  When we get tired of one, we can pull out another one for a bit of a change.  

I'd been working on this scarf for what seems like forever, 

and I was sick of looking it.  I needed a break from it, so, I pulled out another scarf and worked on it for a while. 

The yarn is Lion Brand Mandala in Genie colorway, and the pattern is my standard, go-to One Row Scarf.    

It was when I tossed it down for a moment that I realized...

how perfectly it matched my new knitting bag.  Isn't that cool?  Now, I kind of feel like I need to save this project to take to Fiber Fun In The 'Sip with me, but I probably won't.  

Kindly ignore the blinding whiteness of my Scandinavian/Scottish/Irish ancestry, thankyouverymuch.  There is no such thing as a tan when you have that kind of DNA.  

Well, that's all I have time for today.  It's already way past my bedtime, and I still have so much I need to do.  

A demain.  

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