Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Rumor Mill And Other Stuff.

It all started Wednesday, when we got back from lunch break.  That's when one of the brazers said, "Nobody has to wear masks any more.  The e-mail came out today."  

"Cool", I thought.  "No more masks!  Only a year after everyone else got to stop wearing them, but at least we finally got there."  

I was sure they would post the updated policy before the day was out, so I checked the bulliten boards on the way out the door at the end of my shift.  The notice wasn't up yet, but surely they'd get it up soon. 

Thursday morning, I checked again, but still no notice.  "Huh, maybe we'll have a meeting and they'll tell us then."  Again, no.  Not a word from either Group Leader Shark or Supervisor.  Friday -- the day the new policy was to actually take effect -- came and went, and still no word, no meeting, no notice posted, nothing.

This morning, I got to work and still not seeing anything posted, I messaged one of my friends and asked her to print out the e-mail and bring it to me, which she was glad to do.  I immediately posted it on the bulletin board in sub-brazing so that everyone in the department should be able to see it. 

The whole point of this post is to illustrate how terrible my company is at communicating with their employees.  We end up getting most of our information from the rumor mill, which of course, isn't always accurate.  The secondary point is that it would have taken literally 2 minutes to print out the change in policy and post it on the various bulletin boards around the plant, but they didn't. 

It took one single employee taking it upon herself do to what management should be doing -- which is the dissemination of information regarding policy changes -- but isn't.  

In other news, someone from my hometown spent several days photographing and uploading old yearbooks from the various school systems.  I've found several of my kinfolks in them. If you're not kin to me, this might be boring to you, so I won't be offended at all if you quit reading now.  For the rest of you, here we go:

In this first photo, my dad's first cousin Lewis Gunstream. 

This is interesting.  My dad is in this picture, and someone wrote his name on his photo.  That tells me whoever owned this yearbook knew my dad when he was...however old he was here. 

Here we have my dad's second sister, my Aunt Bonnie. 

You get a twofer here.  This is my dad, Walter L, and I think this must have been his senior year.  Right next to him is a cousin, Orys.  And another little tidbit, Betty Jo Grubbs would later marry a man whose last name was Hartley, and she was my 5th grade teacher.  

This is just a younger photo of Betty Jo Grubbs Hartley.  

This is a photo of my first cousin Judy Armstrong Brimm in seventh grade.  

And here we have my second cousin David Toronjo, before he became a doctor.  His mother Aunt Juanita, was my dad's first cousin.  No, she wasn't actually my aunt, but that's just what we do in the South.  All adult relatives are Aunt or Uncle, no matter how they're actually kin. 

This is Beverly when she was in 10th grade. 

Ah, here she is!  Aunt Juanita Sarver Toronjo!  Dad's first cousin. 

That's about all I have for today.  It rained most of the day yesterday and all night, so the yard is too soggy to mow.  

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  

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