Friday, May 06, 2022

This Cat Of Mine

I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen. 

Before we went to bed, I told her she should stay inside, because it was supposed to storm most of the night.  I even opened the door and showed her.  Sure enough, it was raining.  Thunder.  Lightning.  The works. 

"You can stay inside with us tonight.  Come on, let's go to bed,"  I said. 

So we did.

Not long after, she asked me to let her out.  "But it's raining," I told her.  "But I want to go out," the cat said.  "But it's raining," I said.  "Let me out!" the cat said. 

Throwing off the covers, I stomped to the back door and opened it, "See?" I said!  "It's raining! Now let's go back to bed."  "OK," the cat said. 

A few minutes later...

"I want to go out." 

"It's still raining."  

"But I want to go out."

"But it's still raining!"

"Let me out!  Let me out!  Let me out!"

"ALL RIGHT!!!!!"

Throwing off the covers, I stomped to the back door and opened it.

"What are you doing?" said the cat.  "I don't want to go out in that!  It's raining!"

"I know, right?  Now, let's go back to bed."

A few minutes later....

"I want to go out." 


"I want to go out."


"Then I'm going to sit here and knead on your arm until you let me out." 

"I wish you would do that on my back.  That would be nice."

"No...not until you let me out."

And so it went...until around 11:00 PM, when the rain finally slacked off enough that she went on outside...whereupon I immediately slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Good night, cat!" 

Needless to say, sleep deprivation was the word of the day.  Or the two words of the day...whatever. 

Needlesser to say, I'm going to bed early tonight.


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