Monday, May 09, 2022

My New Knitting Bag

This is going to be quick, as it's already past my bedtime, but I did so want to show you my new knitting bag. 

Behold the bag!

There is a story behind this.  I'd been wanting to get some Chosen merch, because I just love the show so much.  Well, last Sunday, I was actually logging in to go to the website and order this bag, when a message from the director Dallas Jenkins popped up.  Seems he'd declared May 2 as Chosen day, being as it was 5/2 -- as in five loaves and two fishes -- so they were having a sale on the Against The Current collection. 

Loaves And Fishes being the name of their production company, and yes, there is a story behind that.  You can find that story in the app, or on their YouTube Channel.  But I digress...

All you had to do was enter the promo code 52 and you'd get 52% off.  Huh, can't beat that with a stick.  

So, Monday after work, I ordered the bag and matching T-shirt. 

They even threw in a Come and See sticker for free.  

"Come and see," being, of course, what Philip told Nathaniel when he asked, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"  I haven't decided where to put it yet, but I will someday.  And look at this: 

 Even the shipping bag had the logo on it.  Pretty cool, huh?  I want to get the black version of the T-shirt, too.  I'm going to be the envy of every one at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip this fall!  

But you don't have to be envious!  You, too, can get your own Chosen merch at  Every purchase helps fund the show.  

Wouldn't it be cool if a whole army of us showed up wearing the shirts at FFITS?  

I think so.  

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