Saturday, November 06, 2021

Yarns With Friends

 I have yarn!  

It's from a friend, which makes it all the better.  She'd contacted me on Instagram and asked if I was still working on my sock yarn blanket.  If so, she had some leftovers she wanted to send me.  Of course, I said yes!  

And let me just step out of my blog here to say that if anyone else has any leftover washable sock yarn you would like to donate to the blanket, I certainly won't turn you down, either.

OK, back to my story.  She asked if I wanted it, I said yes, and it arrived today!

The brand is Emma's Yarn, which is an indy dyer out of Florida.  I haven't looked her up, yet...hold on...

I'm back.  Here is her website:   Emma's  Yarn.  If the rest of her stuff is as gorgeous as what my friend sent me, it's worth looking in to.  These bits will be knit into the blanket soon.  

In the meantime, I have another project I've started.  See, a couple of years ago, I knit a hat for an old friend I've known since Junior High.  When she got it out the other day to start wearing it, moths had gotten to it.  She was totally bummed out about that.  She's not a knitter, so I offered her three options. 

1)  Try to find someone in the area to fix it.  I asked around and found a yarn shop not too far away from here, and passed that information on.  She may take it up there, she may not.  It's up to her. 

2) Mail the hat back to me, and I'll try to fix it.  Not my preferred option, but if that's what she wanted, it's what we'd do.

3) Toss that hat, and I'd knit her a new one.

She chose option three, so I dug out some yarn and posted pictures on her FB page.  

I told her if she didn't like any of these, I'd get some more out and see what she thought about them, but right away, she chose one of these-- and she chose the one I knew she'd choose.  When she told me which one she'd picked, I replied, "Funny thing about that Jumbo Stripes, when I saw it in the store, I thought, 'That has [her name] written all over it!'"

So, that's what I've been working on today.  

She spends a lot of time outside due to her job -- delivering groceries -- so I want to get it to her as soon as I can.  And because it's acrylic, she won't have to worry about moths getting to it.  I like the way it's knitting up, but I do wish the stripes had been a little bit wider.  I'll have plenty left over, so I think I might start a garter stitch scarf to see how that looks.  

Oooh, I wonder how it would look woven on my loom...but that would require warping it.  Hmmm, I'm not sure it's worth all that.  

Speaking of groceries, good thing I didn't want pudding this week.  

Thank you, Brandon!  

And finally, I'm sorely tempted to buy myself a new Christmas dress. 

What do you think?  

1 comment:

Otter said...

I saw the picture of her hole. Acrylic was a good pick. The Christmas Tree dress is a hoot!
I have been digging in my room. On one hand I need to be organizing it. On the other hand there is a grandgirl to knit and crochet for. I can't decide what I want to do.