Sunday, November 28, 2021

Happy Hanukkah And Other Stuff

Tonight at sunset the Festival of Lights starts, so let me begin this post by sharing my favorite Hanukkah song by the Maccabeats.

And today is also the first Sunday of Advent, so here is one of my favorite Christmas carols as well.

That's really all I have for today.  I've gotten all my Christmas decorations put up, except the outside lights -- which I will get to here in a few minutes.  I won't bombard you with photos, because they are exactly the same as last year.  If you really want to see them, you can click on the link to last year's blogs in the right hand sidebar.  

I spent most of the last couple of days  -- well, not most, but a good deal of the last two days -- getting my Christmas cards ready to mail,   

while watching cheesy Hallmark movies.  Let me tell you, that new wax I bought is so much better than the cheap stuff I already had.  It melts so much easier and more smoothly.  I'll definitely be buying more of that brand.  BTW, I couldn't put wax seals on all the cards, because many of the envelopes were already decorated, so if you don't get one, don't feel left out.  Next year, I'll try to get cards with plain envelopes, so I can do my own decorating.  

Oh, and you would be proud of me.  I contacted the washing machine repairman.  He is coming tomorrow afternoon to look at my washer.  So, that's one more thing off my list.  

Now, I just need to find a plumber and call the oral surgeon, and I'll have everything marked off of my list of dreaded phone calls to make.  

If you'll excuse me, I need to go start gathering my strength...

And putting up my outside lights. 

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