Tuesday, November 02, 2021

I Think It's Tuesday

I think it's Tuesday.  I'm not entirely sure.

Whatever day it is, I was very relieved the cat decided to stay inside last night.  I was able to sleep soundly, knowing she was safe and warm.  I was even more relieved that she didn't yowl all night.  Of course, she's back outside now, and I'm hoping she comes up before I go to bed tonight.  It's getting to be too cold for her to stay out all night.  

There have been some big changes out at work, and not necessarily for the better -- at least as far as the brazers go.  Back at the beginning of the year, our production manager, also known as The Boss Who Must Not Be Named, moved back up into the front office.  I'm not sure what he's doing up there, but every once in a while, we see him wandering around the shop floor, looking lost...

After he left, the guy who was the production manager over the assembly area moved to the component area , and guess who they made the production manager over assembly?  Go on, guess...

If you said Brazing Boss, give yourself a cookie.  

The production manager over components quit a couple of weeks ago, so the only one left out there right now is Brazing Boss.  But that's neither here nor there...

But here's the thing, for the last 5 years, ever since he got that job, Brazing Boss has been telling us to slow down when brazing.  Don't rush.  Take our time, and braze carefully.  We'd have brazing meetings every week and he'd tell us things like

"I know it's tempting when the lines are right on you to crank that fire up and braze real fast, but you can't do that.  You have to keep brazing slowly."

He'd say, "Even if the lines are pressuring you, take your time, braze slowly.  The lines will just have to wait."

We'd try to argue with him, saying we can't do that.  We have to do whatever it takes to keep those lines moving, but he wouldn't listen.  He even told us one time, "I don't care what [Production Manager] says!  You don't listen to him, you listen to me, and I'M telling you to braze slowly!"  


Now that he's the production manager, he's singing a completely different tune.  Suddenly, he's up there trying to rush us.  Telling us we have to work harder, braze faster, do more...keep those lines running no matter what!  

As you might suppose, it's not going over well with us.  I mean, nobody liked him to begin with, and this just makes him all the more detestable to us. I was talking to Group Leader Shark, and told her, "It's the hypocrisy that gets to me.  For five years, he told us not to rush, and now all the sudden, he wants us to rush.  I ain't playing that game. "  

Honestly, I don't think he's going to last long in that position.  He's one of those spoiled little twats that only got the job because daddy pulled some strings.  He's not built to handle a high pressure job.  He won't be able to deal with the stress.  

In knitting news, after I'd finished the cowl, I picked this hat back up.  

It's a plain vanilla hat knit in Knit Picks Brava, in Just Peachy Speckle colorway.  I'm liking the way it's knitting up.  It might end up being a Christmas present, too.  

I wonder if Cody's girlfriend likes hats.  

1 comment:

Otter said...

Glad kitty is settling in well. And I thought that doing the job well so it doesn't come back to you, was the whole idea. It's like they are all scitzo.