Friday, November 05, 2021

The Best Laid Plans

 You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men, right?  Yeah, I take these weekends off, and have all these plans... I'm going to get this done, and I'm going to get that done.  I'm going to be so industrious.  In the end, I get very little of it done.  

However, all is not lost, as I do get stuff done.  Just not the stuff I intended to get done.  For instance, I'd intended to call the plumber today.  Instead, I got another good bit of this privet cleaned out of my back fence. 

It really opens up my view back there, and of course, the ultimate goal is to get that fence replaced, so the whole fence line will need to be cleared.  I've got some weed killer I'm going to keep spraying on the stumps to keep that privet from growing back -- hopefully.  Privet is some resilient stuff. 

After working up a good sweat doing that, I came back inside and finished this hat.

I have some yarn left, and I'm debating putting a pompom on it. I'm not a big fan of pompoms, but some people like them.  Eh, maybe I will, maybe I won't.  I'll decide later. 

Well, it's that time again.  Ibotta is offering a free Thanksgiving dinner for those who have the app.  I got all this stuff absolutely free after collecting the rebate. 

FYI, you don't have to get the zero sugar Coke, and I highly recommend you don't get the zero sugar Coke.  Get one of the other varieties offered.  Seriously, that stuff is disgusting.  I'm having to doctor it up pretty good with Torani syrup to even get it down, and it still leaves an aftertaste.  The ads say you have to try it first.  Well, I did, and as far as I'm concerned, the first will be the last.  

Anyway, you can also get a bag of frozen vegetables, but I forgot them.  I'll get one next time I go into town.  I'll probably get broccoli, so I can make Cody's broccoli casserole.  Oh, that reminds me!  I have to give the recipe to my friend!  Don't let me forget, after I post this. 

Also, if someone signs up and uses your referral code (Mine is LYPNOLP), you get a whole turkey!

Even better, when I was cleaning out a space in my deep freeze for the turkey, I found a bag of sweet potato pie filling, already mixed up and ready to use.  All I have to do is thaw it, put it into a crust, bake it, and dessert is done.  Well, I'm going to make a pumpkin pie, too. And maybe even a cream cheese pie.  

I'm pretty much all set for Thanksgiving now, food wise that is. 

And lastly, I picked up another fall decoration off of the clearance shelf.  

I'll probably hang it up next year, instead of that one I accidentally bought two of. 

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