Monday, October 25, 2021


 First of all, thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I think just having all of you comment made my post more visible, because that one got twice as many hits as I've been getting lately.  Not that I'm all that concerned about being popular, but still, it helps to feel like I'm not just talking to thin air.  

Now that that little bit of housekeeping has been taken care of, on to today's post. 

Boy, am I sore.  I'm pretty sure it's from two days of hacking away at the privet I've been cutting out of my back fence.  I'd intended to get out and take a progress photo when I got home from work, but that didn't happen.  I got caught up in watching the cheesy Hallmark move I'd DVRed last night, and by the time it was over, it was already dark.  I was like, "Wait, how did it get to be so late?  Oh, watched a whole movie."  

OK, it was 6:30, but when one gets up ridiculously early, one also goes to bed ridiculously early, so yeah, it was late.  

However, I am making progress cutting all that mess down, and I have felt it in my lower back all day.  

And I'd just gotten over being sore from my trip to Texas and back.  It's always tough riding with Cody because he does not like to stop.  At all. I think if he had a big enough gas tank, he'd drive all the way from Memphis to Texas without stopping once.  I've already told him I'm getting too old for that, and I need to get out and walk around every couple of hours, so my back doesn't hurt so badly.  He will stop if I ask him to, but I can tell he doesn't really like it.

Not to mention, he drives in the left lane the whole way, which drives me nuts...

On the way back home Monday, we got caught behind a wreck on I-55 just north of Canton.  It was pretty bad, and we were stuck just sitting there what ended up being right at an hour.  Cody was fussing, "Are they even trying to clear the road???"  I said, "It depends on if there were any injuries."  You can't just drag a car off the road if there is an injured person inside, you know.  You have to get the people out before you can move the vehicles.  

Anyway, traffic finally started moving again, and when we got up to where the wreck had happened, I saw a truck off in the left hand median with a pretty significant dent in its tailgate.  He'd apparently been hit so hard, his toolbox had been knocked completely out of the bed and was laying on the ground behind the truck.  On the other side, loaded up onto the wrecker was the car which had hit him, and suddenly, I understood why it took so long.  The whole front end of it was a mangled up mess.  I can't find any news articles about it, so I hope that means the driver is OK.  Up about 100 yards further up the road was a semi cab that looked like it had rolled several times.  There wasn't much left of it but an engine block.  I don't know what went on there, if they were all involved in the same incident or what.  

But, us having to sit there an hour meant I needed to make an extra pit stop.  Cody was not happy.  I mean, he stopped at a rest stop, but he didn't like it.  He says when he goes somewhere, he just wants to get there.  Me, I'm at the age where I want to stop and see all the things I've always said I'm going to stop and see, but haven't yet.  

I'll have to find me a travelling companion who isn't always in such a hurry, I guess.  

1 comment:

Otter said...

Luckily, our 5 hour trip to East Texas and back was a couple of old folks who have to pee at least every two hours. Luckily we'd had a pit stop before we hit 35 for the last short jog home. They do highway work at night now, ya know. It took us 45 minutes to travel 20 miles. I was so glad I had a chiro appt a couple of days after.