Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bosses Be Like

Bosses:  I can't seem to figure out why employee morale is so low, and turnover rate is so high.  I just don't understand... 

Also Bosses: 

Really?  You seriously can't figure out why nobody wants to work there?  Do you really think people are going to joyfully jump out of bed every morning and say, "Yay!  I get to go work myself to death for 10-12 hours, and STARVE while I do it!"  Not likely, buddy.  You'd think they would have figured it out when so many people walked off the job the day they first announced it, but no....

Me, I've got five years left until I can retire, and I'm trying so hard to stick it out, but they're making it mighty hard to do that.  

Oh, and by the way, one of the production managers quit recently.  Nobody is surprised.  He and his wife both had COVID last year, and he was very sick.  There was a point there when they didn't think he'd even survive, but he pulled through.  His wife had been battling a brain tumor, and she ...well...didn't pull through.  Nobody expected Boss to come back to work after that, but he did.  Even so, he just hasn't been the same since.  He'd been talking about moving closer to where his kids live, so I guess that's what he did.  He was a nice guy, and we'll miss him.  But I wonder who will be our production manager now.  

Also work related, this week was supposed to be inventory, and since I always work inventory, I didn't put in a vacation day for Friday.  Well, guess what.  They  postponed inventory for two weeks and didn't tell anyone.  That is so typical out there.  Nobody tells you anything.

I was standing there at my stand grumbling and fussing about having to work this weekend, when it occurred to me, hmmm, maybe I can move my vacation day.  I went and talked to my supervisor, and explained that I'd just found out about them changing inventory day, and wanted to move the vacation day that I'd already had scheduled for the new date to this Friday, so I can still work inventory.  He said he'd approve it, but naturally my  place of employment has to make even the simplest thing complicated. 

Back in the day, all I'd have had to do was to get two vacation forms, fill one out as a cancellation and the other out as a request, hand them to my supervisor to sign, and bada bing, bada boom, it's all taken care of. 

Nowadays, I had to go to the little box, request to cancel the day I wanted cancelled, wait for supervisor to approve it through the computer, then wait for HR to approve it through their computer so I can get my hours back. All this before I can put in the request for the new vacation day.  Sigh...

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job?

Let's talk about something a little more pleasant, shall we?

As promised, here is the progress photo I was talking about yesterday.  

I was going to get out there after work and cut a little bit more down, but then, I just didn't.  I was tired and didn't really want to.  So, I came inside and watched....something, I'm not sure what.  Still, it looks a lot better than it did.  

My drywall patch has finally dried, as well.  

I had to put another thin layer of spackle over it, because there was a pretty significant crack down towards the bottom.   Once it had dried, I smoothed it a bit with my sandpaper, but not too much, because none of the walls in that laundry room are very smooth as it is.  I think I'll dig through my leftover paint and see what I have that I can use on those walls.  Whatever color I choose will certainly be better than that hideous green.  

Well, I guess I've bored you enough for one day.  Oh, one more thing, I started to set up my Kindle and record myself playing, but I've got to find a stand or something to put it a little higher.  I'm pretty sure you don't want to be looking up my nose while I'm playing.  And I've got to find a better way to light that corner.  I looked so white!

I'm not talking about pinky-beige Caucasian white, either.  I'm talking glow in the dark, death warmed over white.  That's not going to work at all. 

Eh, I'll figure something out.


1 comment:

RBJ said...

My hubby is a chaplain at a state prison. Each day he must have his homemade lunch in see through containers including his drink, or they must be in store packaging, ie Pepsi in a bottle unopened, but no can of Pepsi. The other day one of the officers checking the lunch as hubby entered the gates, took his miniature 3 Musketeers bars. They were wrapped in original packaging. Now he unwraps them and puts them in a ziplock. Then they turned his chapel into COVID central.