Wednesday, October 20, 2021


My coworker has a grandson.  He is six years old and absolutely adores cows.  She told me she'd taken him to a local place called Bull Bottom Farms.  They have a pumpkin patch, and a corn maze, and all sorts of things for kids to do.  They also have cows.  My friend said as soon as he saw the cows, he got so excited and started calling "MOOO!" to them.  

Beverly and her sister Judy have cattle, so when I was down in Texas, I just had to walk out and take a few photos of them for my friend's grandson.   

I managed to lure this one closer by holding out some grass for her. 

I don't think she was too sure about me, 

but she wanted that grass, she did!

The first thing my friend said to me when I got back to work was that her grandson said, "Nana!  I want to go to where those cows are!"  That would be a long way to drive, just to pet some cattle!  

That's all I have for you tonight.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice my piano.  

There'll be a piano post soon.  I promise.  

See, I said it out loud -- so to speak.  Now I have to stick with it. 

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