Tuesday, September 22, 2020

It's Beginning To Look

 OK, not quite Christmas, but it is the first official day of Astronomical Fall.  It actually felt like fall, too.  I don't think the temps got out of the 60s all day.  I was tempted to make myself some hot chocolate...and I may yet.

But first, I have to tell you, we had a bit of excitement at work yesterday.  I've got this one coworker, she's a real goofball.  She's sweet as can be, and we all love her, but she's crazy as a rocket. 

So, there I was at work, just a working away, when I glanced over my shoulder and saw Coworker laying on the floor.  Supervisor was standing there beside her.  I thought she was playing, and apparently, he did, too.  I turned to my other coworker and said, "Look at [Coworker] over there!"  She turned around and looked, and told me later she thought Coworker was playing, too.

I stood there watching her for a few seconds, all the while expecting her to pop up and make some cheeky comment about taking a nap.  When, after about 15-20 seconds, she still hadn't moved, it dawned on all three of us at the same time, hey, maybe she's not playing after all.  

Supervisor ran around and knelt beside her, calling her name and trying to rouse her.  Other Coworker ran over and began yelling her name as well.  The first aid team was summoned, an ambulance was called, and all the other workers in tubing began crowding around, rubbernecking and generally just getting in the way until Safety Lady came out and said, "Spread out!  Spread out!"  (Inside joke.  I can't explain it, you'd just have to know to know...)  

They finally got Coworker roused, on the gurney, and up to the first aid room to wait on the ambulance.  I'm not going to go into all her personal business here on the blog, but I asked after her this morning, and she's doing better.  She'll be OK, but she gave us all quite a scare. 

Now, don't get me wrong.  My place of employment is a horrible place to work, but I have to give credit where credit is due.  We have a seriously top notch first aid team out there.  I was really impressed at how fast they all got over there and began caring for my coworker, and how efficient they were.  Now, if we could only get the managers to be as efficient at running production, we might not be 20 weeks behind.  

Of course, the whole global pandemic thing had a lot to do with that.

All righty, then, moving right along...  

And with this, I am done ordering piano music.

For now, at least.  This is the last level two book -- at least as far as I know.  I may not buy any more anyway.  I just don't have time to play from them.  The good news is, next week, we go back to 8 hour shifts.  Well, 9 hours for us component areas, but hey, that's a sight better than 11 or 12 hour shifts.   I'll miss the money, but I'm so tired of having to rush through everything in the evenings.  Maybe with the shorter shifts, I can blog and practice my piano on the same days.  I hope so.  I'm trying to work up a little Christmas concert for you.  I'm having a little trouble picking songs.  The songs I really like, I just don't like the arrangements in these books.  

I'd said something before about live streaming one of my practice sessions, but none of you seemed interested, except Kristine.  If I can figure out the mechanics of it, and we can work out a time, she and I may just have our own little piano party this weekend.  What say, Kristine?  You up for that?  It's supposed to be raining most of the weekend, depending on how quickly the remnants of Tropical Storm Beta move through here.   

And finally, as if 2020 weren't crazy enough already, the remnants of hurricane Paulette have reorganized, and she's now a tropical storm again.  No threat to any land as of yet, but we'll have to keep an eye on her. 

*Please ignore the typo.  I know it's there, but the meme was too funny not to share.  Oh, and it's really only 23.  Storm watches, that is. 

And we've still got two more months of hurricane season!  Yippee!

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