Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Not Over Yet

Well, we aren't quite done with the 'Rona out at work.  Yep, I found out this morning that one of the supervisors has it.  And also, one of the maintenance men.  It's ripping through the plant like wildfire out there.  Last I heard was the case count was 71, but that was over a month ago.  I'd be willing to be it's over 100 by now.  And that's out of...well, I don't really know how many employees we have right now, because we're still not fully staffed after they laid off all the temps.  I'm guessing between 400 -- 500, but I don't know for sure. 

Whatever, it's about 20 -25% of employees have had it so far, and it ain't over yet.  

Speaking of work, I've been enjoying these shorter shifts.  It's sure is nice getting off at 2:00.  I'm not getting any more accomplished with my extra time, but I'm enjoying it. The down side is my schedule is all out of whack.  I was sitting at home this afternoon and flew into a blind panic because I thought it was nearly bedtime and hadn't even taken my shower yet.  I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off for a minute, then looked at the clock. 

It was 4:30.  

Oh.  OK.  

Moving right along.  It's finally starting to feel like Fall out there.  

It's supposed to get down into the 40s by Friday, with daytime temps in the 60s.  With that in mind, I got some of Cody's gumbo out of the freezer and ate it for supper. I may just need to get some more out over the weekend, or maybe some of that potato soup I put up a few weeks ago.  Since I have another vacation day Friday, I might -- just might -- put me a little fire in the wood heater.  

I'm not sure if I was being a bit foolish or not, but a few weeks ago, I went back and started this book completely over.  From the very beginning.

And why exactly would I do that?  Because I discovered this:

Do you see it there?  That little Note = 120?  If you're not familiar with music, that is the tempo at which the song is supposed to be played.  I hadn't been playing them at the recommended speeds, so I decided I needed to.  Not that big of a deal.  I'm almost back to where I was the first time.  

Little Suzette is right there cheering me on.  

By the way, the dogs are just as confused by the shorter shift times as I am.  It'll take a minute to get used to it.  I just hope they leave us on this shift for a while.  They keep changing our hours so much, it wreaks havoc on your body.  I'm over here like, just pick a time and stick with it, already! 

Back to piano playing...I'm busy trying out songs to play for your Christmas concert this year.  

I've got two songs settled on, but I'd like to work up three or four more.  The problem is, the songs I really like -- Silent Night and such -- I do not like the arrangements in my books.  The melodies are just fine, but some of the harmonies are so discordant...I don't know what they were thinking.  I'm checking, double checking, triple checking, and yes, I'm playing the notes they wrote, but it sounds awful. 

I'll figure something out.

Right now, I'm going to bed. 

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