Monday, September 14, 2020

Quick Update

Records have been set.  

Maybe not the records you want to be set, but they've been set nonetheless. 

And what are those records, you may ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  Better yet, I'll show you:

This is the first time since 1971 that there have been five named storms in the Atlantic at the same time.  Plus, every storm this year since Edouard has set the record for the earliest named storm of that letter.  The previous record for the earliest V named storm was Vince, who became a tropical depression on October 9, 2005.  

Vicky beat that by a full three weeks.  

I'm pretty confident by now that we will, in fact, make it to the Greek letters this year.  

For a full list of storm records, check the Wikipedia page

In other news, Other Boss was back at work this morning.  It was a bittersweet moment.  

He'd had the COVID, and had been very, very sick for a while, but eventually overcame it.  Unfortunately, his wife -- who'd been battling cancer already -- just wasn't strong enough to shake it off.  She passed away August 31.  

Y'all keep them in your prayers, would you please? 

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