Sunday, September 01, 2019

Watching And Waiting

Football is back!!

I spent all day yesterday watching games.  First up, I had Ole Miss on the TV and Mississippi State on the computer.  When those games were over, I put Navy on the TV and Alabama on the computer.  The day ended with LSU on the TV and Texas on the computer.

All that to say, my computer was a bit tied up, thus you didn't get a blog post.  But LSU and Texas both look very strong this season.  So did Navy, but Army and Air Force also had decisive victories.  Malcolm Perry has come so far since last season, though, so maybe Navy finally has a QB to replace Keenan.

While I was watching all that football, I finished another hat for my friend's blessing bags.

It's getting close to time to ship them all to her, so I got out all the hats I'd made this year and washed them.

They wouldn't all fit into the big envelope I'd bought, so I'm going to have to put them into a box.  Naturally, the next thing I did was to cast on another one.

Almost as naturally, I chose the hurricane hat pattern.  Can't imagine why...

In between watching football, knitting, and tracking the hurricane, I started putting out my Fall decorations.

I want to get some leaves or something to put on those lanterns, to make them Fall-ish, but I'm going to have to buy something.  I didn't have anything on hand I could decorate them with.  I'm thinking maybe I could find some candle rings or something easy, but would make them look really nice. 

Since I have half a mantle this year, I was able to put some stuff on it, too.

Cody still insists he's going to put up the other side for me  -- soon.  I hope it's before Christmas, so I can decorate it. It's been so long since I've had a mantle, I'm excited about being able to put some Christmassy stuff in that corner.

Speaking of Dorian, anyone remember when I posted this?

Sometimes I hate being right.

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