Friday, September 13, 2019


It would seem, I have made an error.

OK, let me back up a moment.  If you'll recall, last weekend, I'd gotten all the hats out for my friend's blessing bags and washed them.  When I counted them up, there were 39 hats.  I had one more I was going to finish and get the box into the mail Monday.

I'd gotten all the way to the decreases.  I'd even started doing the decreases, when I discovered I'd made an error in the pattern.  I'll admit my first thought was, "Well, a homeless person won't care if the count is one stitch off."  But I would.  Homeless people have enough troubles as it is.  How can I give them less than the best?

I tinked back a few rows, but the error was still there  I tinked back a few more rows.  Still there.

You can see where I'm going with this, right?  Yep, as it happens, I'd made the error in the very first pattern row.   I had to rip all the way back to the ribbing and start over.

This time, I made sure to count stitches very, very carefully.  And I periodically re-count, just to make sure I am still on track.  I've gotten this far.

The plan is to finish this weekend, so I can get the box into the mail Monday.  Wish me luck.

As I've been accumulating more piano books, my little music stand on my keyboard has become a bit crowded.  Truthfully, I'd gotten worried I was going to break it.  One day, as I was practicing, I said to myself, "Self, what you need is a little magazine rack you can set here by the keyboard and put your books into."

However, in my weekly shopping trip, I couldn't find any sort of magazine rack.  I did, however, find this storage bin.  Not exactly what I was looking for, but it'll do for now.

Even so, it's still better than piling everything up on my music stand.

This is a serious bummerage.

I do have the app, but I looked forward getting those emails, too.

Speaking of weather, I can't even remember the last time it rained here.  They keep putting rain into our forecast, then taking it back out.  They'd predicted rain over the weekend.   I mean, like now.  Then they pushed it back to Wednesday.  Now, they've pushed it back to next Friday.  This morning, I broke down and watered my Vincas and Moss Rose.  Even my Spider Lilies aren't doing well.  They aren't blooming.  The buds are withering before they even open.

On the bright side, it was cool enough this morning for me to leave the back door open, for a little while at least.  It didn't last long, before it got so hot the air came on and I had to close it.

Rylea loves laying there, just looking out.

Apparently, Facebook has something new going on.

Um, yeah, that would be a no from me.  Ain't no telling what kind of crazies I'd attract.

While we're on the subject, I was getting ready for work the other morning, when the guy on the radio read an article about Tom Cruise.  Word is, he's gotten a face lift, to preserve his boyish good looks in order to make himself more attractive to the ladies, they say.  He's trying to find his soulmate, they say.

Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom, you just don't get it, do you?  You've been married and divorced three times.  I'd say it's not your face that's the problem.  Men like you never get that it's character that counts with women.  Character, integrity, kindness, and a good heart.

You see these guys, Tom?  Not a one of them is making any attempt to hide his wrinkles or gray hair, and yet, I'd take any one of them over you any day.

Fisherman̢۪s Friends - costadelfolk

Even the Toy Boy.

By the way, I have a couple more sea chanty posts in the works.  I just need to get them typed up.  That'd make a good rainy day project.  If it would ever rain, that is.

Now, if you will excuse me, the Harvest Moon is peeping through the trees, and I must go watch it rise.

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