Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fiber Fun In The 'Sip

Hello, gentle readers!  I'm back!  Yes, I know it's been a while.  No excuses.  I've just been lazy -- well, except for this weekend.  I've been in Vicksburg since Thursday.  And what was I doing in Vicksburg, you may ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  I was peopling.  I was doing a lot of peopling.  And knitting, and visiting, and eating, and shopping, and all kinds of things. 

Yep, it was the second annual Fiber Fun In The 'Sip!  It's probably going to take me two or three posts to get through it all, so please bear with me.

Today's post will focus on the things I bought, which wasn't that much compared to last year.  I bought my friend Leann's show colorway, Horn Section.  It is the one on the left.  It compliments her colorway from last year right nicely.

The one on the right is a door prize that I won.   It's from Farm Girl Fibers, and the colorway is Nashville Nights.  Funny, Christi and I were shopping in the booths when they called my name as a winner.  I got so excited, I shouted, "Hey!  That's me!"  all the way across the room. 

The only other yarn I bought was a whole bunch of mini skeins for my sock yarn blankets.

I've already knit one of them into the first blanket.

It's from Cedar Hill Farm Company, and the colorway is Written On The Wind. All of the smaller minis on the right are from them.  The ones on the left are from Leading Men Fiber Arts

For those of you who may be new -- or have memories like mine -- I have three of these blankets going.  One is for me, one is for my sister, and one is for -- I don't know.  I'll give it to someone, if I ever finish it, that is. 

Those of you with really, really long memories may remember that I sometimes spin, on a drop spindle.  I'd made my own with Sculpey clay.  They worked well, but weren't really balanced that well.  They wobbled a bit.  I've wanted a really nice one for a long time, so I -- didn't buy one.  I bought this one instead. 

It's a good spindle, but not really fancy.  The only thing about it is it's really, really light, so it stops spinning very quickly.  I'm hoping once I get some singles wound around it, it'll spin a bit longer.  As you can see, I've already tried it out. 

The fiber came with the kit.  It's been so long, I've almost forgotten how to spin.  I'm glad I'm practicing on that fiber, and not on some of my good fiber. My friend Sue sent me tons of really nice fiber a few years back when I got my wheel.  I never got good enough on the wheel to want to fool with the good stuff.  Maybe with a new spindle, I'll get back into spinning some. 

Like I don't have enough going on already. 

Finally, the last things I bought were some stitch markers. 

I've never really had much use for them, because I normally just tie scraps of yarn into loops and use them.  These, however, were just too cute, I couldn't resist them.  The top left are U.S. Navy, the top middle are Texas Longhorn, the bottom left is Mississippi, the bottom middle is a treble clef -- appropriate, I thought, since I'm trying to learn to play piano and guitar.  The one on the right is a Harry Potter themed potion bottle. 

I'm not so much into Harry Potter as some people are, but I thought that was cute.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the classes I took. 

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