Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Constitution Day

And the fun just never ends.  Here is your TMI warning.  If you're squeamish, you might want to skip the next few paragraphs.

There I was at work, just a working away, when I heard nature's call.  I went to the bathroom to answer said call, and after making a rather sizable deposit into the porcelain bank, got up and turned around to flush.  Only the toilet wouldn't flush. 

I stood there holding the handle down, wiggling it, pushing it sideways -- all the tricks, but only a trickle of water was coming out.  I heard someone come out of the next stall and say, "That one won't hardly flush."  Someone else down the way said, "This one won't either."  I said, "Ain't none of them flushing." 

And yes, I know some of you who'd like to flush that grammar.  But, I feel it's important when I'm with other people to speak in the vernacular.  Yeah...I'm pleading the 5th on that one. 

Back to my story...I stood there wiggling and pushing on the handle until the bank finally accepted my deposit  -- albeit slowly.  I came out of the stall and walked over to the sink to wash my hands.  Aaaand, you guessed it.  No water.  Well, just a trickle.  I managed to get my hands somewhat clean, and as I left the bathroom to go back to my work area, some men came out of their bathroom talking about no water in theirs either.

I decided I probably ought to let someone know, so I went and found my supervisor and reported the problem.  She said, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell y'all."  Turns out there was a leak somewhere, and the city had to cut the water off to fix it.  Then I said something you should probably never ever say to your employer under any circumstances, but I said it anyway. 

"Gee, I wish I'd known that before I did what I did into that toilet." 

And that was my excitement for the day.  The water was only off for about an hour or so, but the next time I went to...you know, go...I flushed before hand just to be sure. 

OK, you squeamish people can pick up reading now.  Only there isn't really that much else to tell. 

Unless you want to hear about how I honored Constitution Day, by teaching my imaginary boyfriend -- who is English, by the way-- the School House Rock song.

To this day, I cannot recite The Preamble without singing. 

I've got to go in early tomorrow for my health screening.  I'd scheduled my time for  5:15, back when we were still coming in at 5:00.  Yeah, that worked out well. 

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