Monday, September 16, 2019

It's Monday, All Right

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when I put too much milk in my morning oatmeal, and had to eat oat soup for breakfast.  Sigh...

Then I got to work, and came down with a case of the epizoodies.  I was feeling bad last night, but thought I felt a bit better when I got up.  Nope.  I felt awful.  Bad enough I wanted to come home, but not so bad I felt like I needed to come home.  I toughed it out, and the day did get better because I got mail!

I can blame a Facebook friend for these, though.  She was reorganizing some of her bookshelves, and posted a photo.  In said photo was a copy of the C. W. Anderson book, Afraid To Ride.  It was one of my favorite childhood books, so I promptly jumped onto Amazon and ordered a copy.  I wish I'd paid a little more attention to the description, though, because if I'd known it was paperback, I wouldn't have gotten it.  I'd have sprung for one of the hardback copies -- which were all about the same price.  I was just looking at the condition, and picked the one with the best overall condition.  The other one is another of my favorite childhood books. 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, used bookstores are going to be the death of me.  Or of my checking account at least.

And then, there is Amazon..hitting me up with these ads.

Sigh, I just can't win for losing.  I didn't buy that book, but I did order another level 1 Christmas book.  Like the two I already have aren't enough.  *Insert eye-roll emoji here.*

In knitting news, I finally got the errant hat finished.

I was going to box them all up and get them ready to mail, but the epizoodies kept me from doing much of anything other than going to bed early.  Well, much of anything other than casting on another hat, that is.

And finally, can it be Fall, please? 

Pretty please? 

With a cherry on top?

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