Saturday, September 07, 2019

I Remembered!

I remembered what it was I was going to tell you in my last blog post!

There I was at work, just a working away.  Sometimes when I'm at work, my mind goes to strange places.  It went there Thursday.  For some strange reason, I started singing.  Now, that in itself isn't strange.  I sing all the time.  It's what I was singing that was strange.  And what was that, you may ask?  I'll tell you.  It was this:

This little dork light of mine,
I'm going to dork and let it shine.
This little dork light of mine,
I'm going to dork and let it shine.
This little dork light of mine,
I'm going to dork and let it shine

Dork and let it shine
Dork and let it shine,
Dork and let it shine.

Don't ask.  Even I don't know.   But here's a bit of dorky dorkness for you.  I was practicing my piano last night, while listening to my weather radio.  Seriously, I was.  I have photographic evidence.

I'm thinking I might make that my FB profile picture. 

My yard guy didn't show up last week, so I got out this morning and mowed the back yard and behind the fence.  The grass was high enough to make hay, I'm telling you.  BTW, I don't know why he didn't show.  He didn't message or call or anything.  Eh, no matter.  They've cut our hours at work, and the grass growth is starting to slow down a bit.  I can handle it from here on out.  I don't know if I'm going to use him again next year, though.  I need someone I can depend on, and a no-show ain't it.

I saw a new to me bird out in the back this afternoon.  I didn't get a good enough look to positively identify it, though, because it never came out into the open.  It had a dark back -- I couldn't tell if it was gray, brown, or black-- and a bright yellow belly.  I first thought it was a meadowlark, but it didn't have the black V on its breast.  I also saw a tufted titmouse.  I don't know what it is about them, but I just like those little birds. 

Well, I really don't have much to talk about, unless you want to hear about doing the laundry and washing the dishes.  Not much else has been going on on this lazy Saturday.  Oh, I was able to practice my guitar almost 30 minutes without my arm cramping up.  So, that was exciting.

I bought some new fake flowers to put into one of my glass vases.  They're a little too long, so I decided to cut the stems off.  I needed my hack saw to hack through the wires, but I couldn't find it, and my coping saw just couldn't cope.  I'm sure my hack saw will show up eventually.  Probably right after I've bought a new one. 

Other than that, it's just been knitting and watching football, so I guess I'll leave you to it.



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