Saturday, February 08, 2025

Didn’t Happen

Remember all those things I said yesterday that I was going to do today?  Not a single one of them got done. Not one.  

Not even sleeping past 2:30 AM.  Oh, I intended to, but when that alarm went off and I switched it off then rolled over to go back to sleep, I didn't.  Go back to sleep, I mean.  I laid there for a while and dozed a bit, but never went back into a good, deep sleep.  

Along about 4:30, I gave up and got up.

I made myself some coffee, read a couple of chapters in my book, and didn't do much else, because that cold I felt like I was catching finally caught me.  I know the flu has been going around, but I don't think that's what I have.  This feels like your regular garden variety head cold.  

So, basically, I sat in the chair all day, watching TV -- there's a new season of Miss Scarlett And The Duke up on PBS -- and knitting. 

This hat is almost ready for the crown decreases, finally.  It seems like I've been working on it forever.  Of course, I've taken some breaks to do a charity hat and a couple of cowls, but I'm done with those, and this is now my top priority.  

Once it's done, I'm going to cake up and cast on with some of the new yarn I bought last month at the thing in Oxford.  And in two weeks, it'll be Fiber Fun In The 'Sip!  I've decided I'm not going to go early, so it'll just be a day trip for me. 

Other than my sinuses feeling like they're about to explode, this has been an absolutely gorgeous day.  Partly cloudy and warm enough I was able to open the windows and get some fresh air into the house.  Which is probably part of my problem.  Spring allergies and all. 

And yes, the flowers are starting to bloom. Here is a patch of purple deadnettle and and some ground ivy-- both of which are very valuable to the bees and butterflies.  So much so, I don't even mow my back yard until the deadnettle dies back.    

That's part of why I was so upset when that guy cut my yard last year.  That, and the fact that he came onto my property without permission, which I could have filed criminal tresspassing charges against him.  

This is spring beauty, sometimes called Virginia beauty. 

And henbit, which is delicious, by the way.   

Alas, Big Al was right and we have another couple of cold snaps on the way, but they'll be OK.  These, on the other hand, will have to come back into the house for a little while longer. 

And look at this crazy thing putting out another bud.  

They often bloom again in the spring, which is  why I call them Whatever Cactus.  Also, you can see below the Whatever Cactus my Venus Fly Trap, Marty Mac.  

As in Marty MacFLY.  Get it?  

OK, moving right along...He normally spends winter dormancy in the crisper drawer in my refrigerator, and when he starts showing signs of coming out of dormancy, I get him out and start warming him up.  Which is what I did today.  

Then I noticed how gunky my crisper drawers had gotten, so I pulled them out and gave them a good cleaning.   I really need to give the whole refrigerator a good once over, but that's going to have to wait until I feel better.  

You know what else didn't get done today that I didn't mention? Of course you don't, because I didn't mention it.  

When I was cleaning out my deep freeze last weekend, I found a whole container of sweet potatoes already boiled down and mashed.  I was going to make a sweet potato pie, because I have an extra pie crust left over from Thanksgiving, but I just didn't feel like it.  Plus, it was so hot by then, I didn't want to heat up the house by turning on my oven, so I ... um...turned on the oven to make the pizza I'd bought yesterday.  

Welcome to my crazy world.  

Maybe tomorrow, I'll make the pie.   Right now, I've got more knitting to do and TV to watch. 


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