Sunday, February 02, 2025

Groundhog Day

Yeah, you know it's February 2, Groundhog Day, and since it falls on a Sunday this year, I wouldn't mind repeating this day over and over...

Now, I know some of you are going to get all haughty and say that rodents can't predict weather, but lighten up.  It's just a fun little tradition that has its origins in the areas that are present day Germany and Austria, and thereabouts.  When those ancient people saw ground dwelling rodents coming out of hibernation, they knew winter was almost over.  How it morphed into the observances we have today I don't know.  But there you have it. 

And for what it's worth, Punxsutawney Phil is wrong more often than he is right.  

Big Al, on the other hand, in always right, because he actually has a scientific basis for his predictions.  If his core body temperature has warmed up enough to stimulate his appetite, winter is almost over.  But this year, Big Al agrees with Phil.  He didn't eat, which means six more weeks of winter.  

OK, moving right along, I spend a lot of time watching YouTube since there is seldom anything worth watching on TV.  Even the stuff I do watch on TV are re-runs, but that's not the point of this story.  Some of the European creators I watch have started trying American recipes that they don't have over there.  I've posted some before, and at the risk of belaboring the point, I had to share this one with you.  

This guy is from Northern Ireland.  Fair warning, he's usually pretty foul mouthed, but this particular video is clean.  Anyway, his latest attempt is a peanut butter and....Jell-O sandwich.

Even my Portuguese friend knew that was wrong!  

That's pretty much all I have for today.  I hadn't planned on posting at all, but those two videos were so funny, I had to share them.  

I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. 

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