Friday, February 07, 2025

It's A Miracle!

Thirty years...

Today is my thirty year anniversary out at the plant.  It's hard to believe it's been so long, but it has.  Funny thing is, it was only supposed to be a temporary job until I could build my savings up and move back to Texas, but that didn't work out as I had planned.

Those of you who've been reading my blog for a while have been able to share in some of the adventures I've had, but for what it's worth, there is a lot -- and I do mean a LOT-- I don't share here.  Too many coworkers, including some bosses, read the blog for me to be totally candid.  It could cost me my job.  Which at this point, I'm not exactly sure would be a bad thing.  

And I also know some of you are asking: 

 The good news is, they cancelled work tomorrow!  Yippee! First thing I'm going to do is to sleep past 2:30 AM, then I don't know what I'll do with the rest of my day.  At first, I thought I'd go make a new Pokémon Go route out at the Lee Tartt Nature preserve, depending on the weather, but I feel like I'm trying to catch a cold, so that might not happen. 

It will depend on how I feel.

We're supposed to have another cold spell coming through starting Sunday, so I'll definitely have to move my plants back inside, and I may go ahead and try to start some of those bluebonnet seeds I found.  

Oh, and the most amazing thing is, they let us go at 2:00 today!  Group Leader Shark came around and was saying, "I'm so proud of you all" because we got our numbers.  I was good, I kept my mouth shut, but I was thinking, "Yeah, it's so much easier to do when we are nearly fully staffed!"  Seriously, there were 11 brazers there today.  Usually, we're struggling to keep up with six or seven. 

After work, I went into town, paid a bill, and did my shopping.  They are re-modeling our Walmart and I hate it.  I was wandering around, unable to find anything, and I saw another lady looking as lost as I was.  I looked at her and said, "I can't find anything!"  She agreed with me, and a minute later another lady walked by and said, "Are y'all as lost as I am!"  

"Yes, ma'am!"  I replied.  

This wasn't the standard moving things around on the shelves rearranging, either.  They're moving everything, even ripping up the floors.  I hate that.  Every time they remodel, they just make things worse.  Less selection and higher prices.  

But anyway, I made it through and bought a DiGiorno's Stuffed Crust pizza as a treat for myself, which I will have tomorrow.  I also bought some of that Magic Spoon cereal, because that's one thing I've really missed since developing insulin resistance -- cereal.  Alas, most cereals here are basically eating  a bowl of sugar, or a bowl of cardboard if you get the bran stuff. 

It'll be a rare treat, though, because it's hecka expensive.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have me a bowl of the stuff right now.  


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