Wednesday, November 09, 2022

ADP Logic

The logic -- or lack thereof, rather -- at my workplace is simply astounding.  Last week, they announced that they were shutting down the plant for the entirety of Thanksgiving week.  This week, they are having us stay over an hour late every day.  Today, they posted the weekend work schedule...and the entire plant is working Saturday.  At time and a half. 


Here's the thing, if they shut us down Thanksgiving week to save money on Payroll, then have us work this Saturday and next Saturday (still don't know about that, though)  at time and a half, then that is the equivalent of having us work Monday through Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday are already paid holidays, so what have they accomplished?

The only thing that makes logical sense is if they're shutting production down to deal with a maintenance issue, or something similar.  But they haven't told us that, and probably won't.  We're not supposed to know what's going on.  Just keep your head down and mindlessly do your job like a good little robot.  

You know, the first director of operations we had out there didn't even want clocks installed anywhere in the plant, because he didn't want us to know what time it was.  We started work when the buzzer went off, and didn't stop until the lunch buzzer went off.  We went back to work at the end of our 20 minute lunch break, then worked until the end of shift buzzer went off.  

I guess he never realized how easy it is to buy a watch.  


There I was at work, just a working away when I overheard the following conversation between two of my coworkers (paraphrased for clarity and due to bad memory).

Coworker #1:  was talking about Rep Bennie Thompson -- who for those of you don't know represents Mississippi's second congressional district in the House.

Coworker #2:  Bennie Thompson?  Who is he?

Coworker #1:  He's our representative in Congress!

Coworker #2:  Then who is Tate Reeves?  

Tate Reeves, Gentle Reader, is our state governor. And that sums up in a nutshell exactly what is wrong with this country.   And that coworker is not one I would normally consider stupid.  I mean, I do have some incredibly stupid coworkers, but she isn't one of them. 

In other news, look what we have coming next week:

 Check out those lows starting Saturday!  With that in mind, I got my mini chainsaw out and cut up some branches that had fallen in the yard.  That little thing is handy for 1 - 2" branches, which are too big to snap over my knee, and too small to drag out the big chainsaw.  I'm thankful I got that little thing when it was on a Prime day deal .... or something.  

Eh, I guess that's about it for today.  I think I'm going to go knit on my scarf and watch a few episodes of The Chosen.  I'm trying to rewatch seasons 1 & 2 before season 3 is released next month. 

Or next week -- if you're lucky enough to have a theater nearby showing it. 

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