Saturday, November 12, 2022

A Present!

 Lookit!  I got a birthday present!  From my sister!

I don't often get birthday presents, but I can't really complain because I don't often send birthday presents either.  I do good just to get everyone a Christmas present.  Heh, one year, I was determined to send everyone in my family a birthday card, and I did.  Alas, it only lasted that one year. 

This year, my sister surprised me and sent me some new house shoes.  They are so soft and warm, and I love them. 

They got here just in time for this cold spell we're expecting.  

In other news, I'm making progress on the Irish Hiking scarf.

It's a pretty simple pattern, and the only thinking I have to do is to keep track of the row count.  It's a fun knit, but knitting such a large item as a scarf can get tedious, so for variety, I finally cast on the second Fab Forty sock, after letting the first one languish for several weeks.

I'm trying to get back to knitting more of my own socks.  I used to wear hand knit socks all the time, but then suddenly, they stopped fitting.  I'm not sure if my feet got skinny or what, but for some reason, they were always falling down inside my boots.  

I've switched to a smaller cast-on and needles, so maybe having some negative ease will help.  

We shall see...

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