Saturday, July 09, 2022

That Ought To Do It

I got to work bright and early yesterday morning, only to find they'd put new signs on the bathroom doors!

Yippee!  That ought to solve all our problems.  No, I don't know why it has a bar code on it.  What I do  know is that the sinks are still clogged up.  Group Leader Shark told me she put in the MTO for them, but I don't share Dude's optimism that they'll actually get fixed.  I've worked there too long, and have seen problems go for months, nay even years without ever getting resolved.  

You know, I work with some of the stupidest people on the face of the earth.  Oh, don't get me wrong, not everyone out there is stupid, but when it gets to the point you have to put instructions up on how to use the turnstiles...

I don't even want to know what led to this.  Wait, on second though, yes I do.  I'll bet it would make a great blog post. He he he...

In gardening news, I got, I think it was Thursday evening...only to find all of my -- whatever these are -- had fallen over.  

That's it.  I'm done.  I'm not fooling with these things any more.  They'll stay where they lay.  I guess it doesn't matter, because in a couple more months, I'm going to dig the whole bed up to plant my bluebonnet seeds there.  Well, maybe not the whole bed, but a goodly sized chunk of it, at least.   Maybe once it cools off some, I can finally get that old fire pit dug up and make myself a permanent wildflower bed, or bluebonnet bed.  Or whatever.  I don't know.  

I'll figure it out eventually.  

In knitting knews, I finished the red hat I was working on.

It'll go into the gift drawer with the rest, and eventually a need will pop up.    I was thinking about seeing if I could hang them around the town square for the poor and homeless people in the area.  If the economy keeps going the way it is, there will be a lot of need for things like this soon.  

I'd originally thought I'd make enough hats to use up all that cheap yarn, but I changed my mind.  It's really poor quality yarn.  Oh, it's soft enough, but it's not consistent in its thickness, ranging from worsted in some -- most -- spots, but dwindling all the way down to almost sock weight thin in other spots.  If it weren't for that, I'd really like it.   For now, I put the rest of the skein into the bag of leftover yarn I'm collecting for the children's department at church, and got this old partial skein out to knit another hat with it. 

I've knit two with this, and like the way they look.  I'm still plugging away at the scarf I'm working on as well, but I haven't taken a recent picture of it.  I will soon.  

Now for the bad news...or not so bad, depending on your point of view.  Blogging is about to become sparse again.  I've been taking a bit of a break from practicing the piano.  I've spent the last week just playing for fun, and have said that Monday is going to be day I get back to working on my lessons.  With that in mind, I just might not have the brain power or energy to practice and put up a blog post on the same day.

I've never been like some of these people, and can just sit down and type out a polished and engaging post.  I have to write, re-right, and re-re-write them to get something even passable, much less interesting and readable.  It's all very time consuming, and by the time I get home from work, I'm usually too hot and tired to care.  Thus, instead of a hastily scribbled post, you might not get anything fir a while.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm watching a documentary on Louis XIV on YouTube.  I'm trying to understand the French without reading the subtitles, but I'm not doing so well.  Eh, it's France French anyway, not Cajun.  

Similar, but the accent is different, and they speak a lot faster.  I need to finish here so I can concentrate.  


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