Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Back To Work

 Man, that long weekend sure went by fast!  

When that alarm went off at 2:45 this morning, I seriously considered calling in and taking one more day, but that would have cost me my holiday pay.  So up I got and off to work I went.  Where the day seemed to last forever.  There were a couple of moments I actually had to check the second hand on the clock to make sure it was moving.  

At long last, the day finally ended, whereupon I came home and did not call the plumber.  Sigh...

But I came home to a pleasant surprise.  

My mystery plants are blooming!  I've got this one bloom open, and several more buds forming.  Whee!  I guess threatening to throw them into the compost pile worked. 

Here is another surprise.  Marty Mac caught himself a daddy longlegs. 

It's kind of freaky with all the legs hanging out like that, but still cool.  

Other than that, I really don't have much to tell you.  Oh, I just remembered!  It looks like they're going to have classes at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip after all!  They don't have anything listed on the website yet, but I'll check back in a couple of days.  Registration is supposed to open on July 9, so I'll probably have to wait until then.  Maybe they'll have a class on needle felting, and I can finally figure out how to use that kit my sister gave me for Christmas.  Of course, that won't put more hours in the day -- which is my most significant hold-up right now -- but still... I'm starting to get excited about it now that I know there'll be classes. 

And hanging out with the gang again will be the best part.  It's been way too long. 

Hasn't it, Ladies? 

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