Thursday, January 06, 2022

I'm Tired

 It's too early in the year for me to be this tired already.  You want to know how tired I am?  I'll tell you

Last night, I got the gumbo Cody had made for Thanksgiving out of the refrigerator.  It had finally thawed out.  I put some into a bowl, heated it up, and ate it.  It was good.  It was really good.  I went on about my business and finally went to bed.  Laying there in bed, trying to fall asleep, that's when it hit me.  I hadn't made any rice to go with it.  

I'd eaten riceless gumbo.  And it took me four hours to figure it out. 

The first thing I did when I got home today was start some rice.  Then I lit a fire.  

I ate my gumbo and by that time, my house was warm, so I took a shower, and I have no idea where I'm going with this....

Anyway, another one of my coworkers went home with COVID today, but she doesn't work anywhere near me.  According to my anonymous source -- her cousin-- she didn't lose her sense of taste and smell, and her only symptoms are fever and runny nose.  I thought it sounded like Omicron, but I don't know for sure.  I know the health department is keeping track, and Omicron has surpassed Delta in the state.  

Your state's mileage may vary...

I lifted this from the health department website, which is a good resource for statistics -- provided you're a statistics geek like me and are into such things.  Now, I know there are people out there who will claim the health department is lying -- and they know the health department is lying because a totally reliable and completely true random meme from an unknown source on Facebook told them so.  

Stupid, I know, but that's the world we live in now.  

That's about all I have for tonight, except to tell you the cat isn't happy with me.  It's going to be cold tonight, and I'm making her stay in the house.  

She'll live through it...maybe.  

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