Thursday, January 04, 2024

I’m Legal

I swan this has been the longest short week in the history of short weeks.   And it has been so cold at my work area.  Today it finally broke 70° in the plant, but what with the fan blowing on me all day, it feels so much colder.  At one point, I went into the bathroom and told my coworker who was also in there, "I had to come in here to warm up a bit!"  

Oh, and remember last year when I brought a bunch of hats and scarves up to work and that one coworker pitched a fit because she didn't get one?  You can read about it here:  I Stepped In It if you need your memory refreshed.   Do you know, she still hasn't gotten over that?  She was grousing about it again today, so I told her I'd bring her some headbands tomorrow.  I told my other coworker, "I'm going to throw them at her and say, 'Here you go, you old crankpot!  Now I don't want to hear another word about them!'"  

I won't really, but I sure do feel like it.  

Now for a bit of good news, my new driver's license arrived in the mail today, so I'm once again street legal.  Even better, I got a new year card from my British pen pal -- who writes much more sporadically than my Australian pen pal, but she does write. 

And my new Down Syndrome Awareness wristbands arrived as well, so my wrist no longer feels nekkid.  

The bad news is, I'm so tuckered I don't really have anything to say, so I'm just going to go take a shower and watch the new docuseries Jonathan & Jesus on Amazon Prime. 


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Woo hoo to being legal again!

Hopefully this coworker goes on and on about how awesome the headband is. <3