Saturday, January 06, 2024

Dreary Day

It has been an absolutely dreary day today.  Weatherwise, I mean.  Overcast, chilly, and damp -- just perfect for watching TV and knitting, and that's exactly what I did.  

I started off watching my new Doctor Who episodes on DVD, and it's been so long since the show was any good, I'd actually forgotten how good it was back then. I love that moment in the first episode when the Eleventh Doctor opens the doors of the TARDIS, gives that little smirk, and says, "Did you miss me?"

Now, I can honestly say, "Yes, I did."  I have missed those old episodes back when the show was still good. 

After a few episodes of that, I went to Prime and finished the Jonathan & Jesus docuseries, and it was really good as well. Then I took a few moments to watch my friend Marcy's new vlog, and now I'm watching football, and let me just say, I'm glad I'm not at that game up in Baltimore right now because it's raining and cold.  I'd much rather be here in my toasty warm house watching on TV. 

By the way, I've thought about starting a vlog from time to time, but I can't seem to get my act together enough to actually do it.  I did a couple about edible weeds last spring, and a couple at the old Civil War forts out at the lake, but none of those were very popular, so I just don't know if it would be worth it. I've also said I was going to start live streaming my piano practices, but didn't get much positive feedback on that idea.  So, for now, at least, you'll have to get your updates here on the blog. 

I've also been thinking about picking up and finishing some of the cross stitch kits I've bought.  I've got some of those magnifying glasses from Walmart somewhere around here, and maybe I can download some audiobooks or something, since I'd have to pull my prescription glasses off and won't be able to see the TV.  Oh, wait!  I found a new-to-me channel on YouTube that's all in Cajun French.  I can listen to those and try to get some French inside my head at the same time!  

OK, moving right along, while I was doing all that TV watching, I was also knitting a bit.   I got one more Calorimetry finished, except for sewing on the button.  This is for that one coworker who keeps getting missed when I take stuff to work. 

The yarn is Red Heart Supersaver Metallic in Fuchsia colorway, and it's surprisingly soft and squishy for Red Heart.  The metallic thread was a bit of a pain to work with, but it sparkles nicely in the finished product.  I think my coworker will like it.  

I'm debating now on whether to do more Calorimetries, or just do some 2 X 2 ribbed headbands.  The latter will be so much easier and mindless to knit.  I think I'll do a few of those, then maybe another Calorimetry or two.  They're really easy to knit as well. 

Even though I haven't knit much on it lately, I thought I'd show you scarf progress, too. 

This one isn't going to be a quick and easy project,  but it'll look good when it's done.  I might just keep it for myself.  

I can do that every once in a while, you know.  Keep something for myself. 

Something besides socks.  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Aww! Thanks for watching.

When I cross stitch, I have my cheater readers halfway down my nose, so I can look up at the tv and see it clearly if I hear something I think needs to be watched. I probably look ridiculous, but whatever works, right?

years ago, when Doctor Who was put on the Syfy channel, I tried watching the series. I had no idea it had been on for 150 years. I did not get it at all. I've never got into watching it.

The whole vlog thing is tough. You just can't predict what will be a hit. Until recently, I had no idea just how many flosstubers are out there. Me, I want to reach the outliers and let them know there are people out there who aren't buying all the fancy yarn and floss and fabric. You can make beautiful things and not have to keep up with the jones.

Do what makes *you* happy. :-)