Monday, January 08, 2024

Done With Drama

I am so done with this drama at work.  

Before I begin, let me recap.  I'd brought the hats last year.  Crank Pot pitched a fit.  I knit a bunch of Calorimetry headbands and took them in Friday.  Greedy Bess grabbed more than she should, so at least one person got left out. Over the weekend, I knit one for her.  OK, with me so far?  

 Now, let me clarify, the person who got left out is a brazer, but right now since work is so slow, she's been helping out in a different area we call TXV.  Still in tubing, but not brazing.   

This morning, I took her headband over to her.  I had it wrapped in a Walmart bag so it wouldn't get dirty, and as I walked past Greedy Bess to get to where Brazer was working, she like to have broken her neck to see what I had in my hand. I pulled the bag away from her and said, "This ain't for you!"  

I took the headband down to Brazer and gave it to her, apologizing that she didn't get one on Friday when everyone else did, because some people took more than they should have.  I was talking all loud, kind of hoping that Greedy Bess would hear, when the person who works next to Brazer said, "She's looking."  

I looked down to Greedy Bess's work station and sure enough, she was craning her neck to see around her computer to where we were.  

"Let her look!"  I said.  "Let her listen, because she's the reason there weren't enough to go around!"  We finished our conversation, and now everyone in the department has something hand knit from me, and I'm done with that drama.

Or so I thought...

As I was walking back to my brazing stand, Greedy Bess stopped me and asked me if I would make her a solid black one.  

"NO!"  I said.  

"No?" Greedy Bess said, shocked that someone would deny her anything her greedy little heart desired. 

"You already got more than you were supposed to!  I'm not knitting you another one!"  I replied.

"Just one, in solid black."  

"NO!" I reiterated, and walked away.  

A bit later, I had to go vent to the parts stager.  I told her the whole story, then said, "I'm going to stop now, but that just got under my skin!"  

The good news is, my irritated skin was soothed when I got home to find squishy mail waiting for me in my box. 

A few weeks ago, my friend Leann was having a grab bag clearance sale and I got one.  She was trying to sell things like single skeins of a discontinued colorway, or skeins that didn't turn out quite right, so she couldn't sell them full price -- that sort of thing.  Basically, you chose how many skeins of yarn you wanted, and which weight and base, and they picked out that many and sent them to you.  I don't know what the colorways are, but they're gorgeous.  

And finally, I finished reading Thrall.  It was OK, but definitely not one of her best works.  At this point, I'm not even sure if I'm going to buy the next one.  I think now, I'll re-read the Wool books by Hugh Howey.  

Except not right now, because I have stuff to do.  Like watch the weather, which is supposed to be severe tonight down south.  

Fun, fun...

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