Monday, May 03, 2021

Oh The Weather

 outside is...gorgeous today.   Yesterday, not so much.   It got rough in some parts of the state, with at least 4 confirmed tornadoes so far.  We actually got a warning in Grenada county, which hasn't happened in a while.  You know how they say to have multiple ways to get warnings?  Well, apparently I do.  When the NOAA radio siren went off, Jesse started barking.  I guess he thought I didn't hear that siren, even though it's loud enough to wake the dead. He didn't stop barking until I yelled at him to hush, because I couldn't hear what the robot voice was saying. But anyway, it rained pretty much all day long, even though most of it was just a light drizzle. Since the cat did so well outside Saturday, I left the door open and let her come and go as she pleased.    

Once the tornado watch was issued for my county, I figured I'd better get her back inside, so I stepped out on the back stoop and called and called.  When she didn't come, I went back inside in frustration, only to find her on her step watching me through the window.  

Ummm, it's a bit too late to say it happened to a friend, isn't it?  All righty, then...  

The stray cat has moved her kittens again, and I don't know where she put them.  I only hope she found a place that is warm and dry.  I saw her a bit yesterday, prowling along the edge of the woods, so I'm going to keep putting food out for her as long as needs be.  

The good news is, the mother bird has returned to her nest. 

I'm still not sure what kind of bird she is.   All I could see was a little brown blob of feathers. I'm guessing a sparrow or wren, but I didn't want to disturb her any more than I had to.

Between tornadoes, I did a bit of knitting as well. I finally finished sock #1, but haven't cast on sock #2 yet. 

What I cast on instead is....another hat!

I'd seen a lady at work wearing the cutest little hat, so I surreptitiously stared at it until I think I've memorized the pattern.  I'm going to reverse engineer it and see if I can knit it.  It didn't look too difficult, and I'll be sure to keep you updated. 

And finally, I saw something I'd wanted for my bug-out bag on a daily deal, so I snapped it up:

Collapsible water bottles.  Yes, I have a couple of Life Straws, but it's a good idea to have a way to tote water with you.  There may not always be a stream around.  It's got a filter thing that attaches to it, but that sucker is $30.  I'm going to have to ponder that purchase a bit more. 

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