Saturday, May 01, 2021

As It Happens

 As it happens, we had today off after all.  And the way it happened is thus:

You know they'd told us Wednesday right before quitting time that component areas would be working today, only it wasn't on the work schedule they'd posted, and they hadn't told anyone but the group leaders.  So, why hadn't the group leaders told us?  That was the million dollar question. 

Thursday, someone asked Group Leader Shark if we were working or not, and her response was, "They haven't decided yet."  All day Friday, 

Are we working?

They haven't decided yet.

I soon got word that someone had seen The Big Man Up Front and asked him, "Have y'all decided if we're working Saturday or not?"  

He replied, "What are you talking about?  Everybody is off Saturday."  Then, just before quitting time, Supervisor was in the vicinity, and a coworker yelled to him, "Hey!  Are we working tomorrow or not?"

He said, "From home!"  And that is how I ended up being off today.

So, what did I do on my day off?  Exactly what I'd said I was going to do.  I slept later than 3:30, which I sorely needed, because the cat had another one of those nights, yowling all night long.  I thought maybe she was lonely, so I let her in the room with me, but no.  That wasn't it.  I finally had to shut her into Cody's room, where I couldn't hear her, just so I could get some sleep.  

When I finally woke up, I enjoyed a leisurely coffee, then went into town to get what I needed to finish my front flower bed.  Which basically consisted of 8 French Marigolds, and the hope that the slugs won't find them.  

I finished the bed off by spreading mulch over that weed barrier cloth, which makes it look a whole lot better. 

And hopefully, between that and the mulch, it won't get over run with weeds and grass this year.  Alas, still no sign of my little bluebonnets, though. 

To round out the front ensemble, I got a petunia and a calibrachoa for my hanging baskets. 

In other news, I've started letting Cutie out for a few minutes at a time.  

So far, she's shown no inclination to run back to her old house, so today, I left the French doors open and let her come and go as she pleased. She took a good long walk out in the woods behind the house, and after I hadn't seen her for a couple of hours, I became a bit concerned, but she finally found her way home.  She freaked out a bit when she couldn't get back inside the fence, but once she'd found a hole large enough to squeeze through, she was fine.  She hasn't wandered that far off since, so I think she may be OK. 

By the way, I got her a collar with a bell on it.  I don't want her to be able to sneak up on my birds.  Of course, she won't be able to kill chipmunks, either, but maybe her presence will scare them off. 

And finally, the mother cat has moved her kittens to another spot, and I was finally able to get a decent picture of them.  

They're so cute when they're little! 

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