Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Lots Of Things Going On

There's lots of things going on.  Unfortunately, blogging mojo isn't one of them. I just haven't had any energy -- blogging energy, I mean -- for a while now.  When I'm standing there at work, I can mentally compose wonderful, lengthy, interesting posts...but when I get home, I'm all, "Wut r werds?"  

So, where are things going on instead?  In my wildflower bed!

Out of all of those sprouts, surely I'll have something blooming.  I've taken the precaution of lightly misting them with diluted -- very diluted-- dishwashing liquid to ward off bugs looking for a salad dinner, so hopefully, they'll get established before the weeds take over.

What's not looking so good is my marigold bed.

I've already lost one completely, and a couple more appear to be on their last legs.  I've started spritzing them with the dishwashing liquid as well.  At this point, I couldn't hurt.  Sigh...I know I've got slugs around here, but I keep on trying to grow Marigolds.  You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?  Yeah, I'm there. 

My Moss Rose are looking good, though.

I'd gotten a mix of pink and yellow, but right now, it looks like only one color is blooming at a time. 

Right now, the pink ones are blooming.  In a couple of days, it'll be the yellow ones.  The pink ones seem to be growing faster, too.  Hopefully, the yellow ones will catch up before the summer is over. 

Just for good measure, here is my Petunia, 

and my calibrachoa.  Or however it's spelled.  

I think I'll just go back to calling them chupacabras.  I know how to spell that. 

Sometime over the weekend, something out there decided to snack on me.  I'm not sure what it was, but man, does it itch!  Which is neither here nor there, but I'm trying to segue into the fact that I've killed four ticks in my house over the last week or so.  It's not really working, so let's just jump right into it...I've killed four, yes four, count 'em four ticks in my house over the last week or so.  

I put some Top Spot on the dog after the first one, but didn't have any sort of flea stuff for cats left.  Yesterday after work, I ran out to the vet and got her some.  Well, I'd gone by Friday when I was in town paying some bills, but there were wall-to-wall people in there.  I decided to just come back another time, and that time was yesterday.  Aaaand I'm rambling...the whole point is, they didn't have a vet record for Cutie.

I called Mr. Clark's DIL, and she said she thought he was taking her to the vet in the next town down the road -- about 30 miles away.  I'd intended to call them this afternoon, but got to piddling and lost track of time.  Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to it. 

She's not too happy with me right now.  She's used to coming and going as she pleases, but not so any more.  It's gotten warm enough that the air conditioner is running, so I can't leave the French doors open all the time any more.  I've asked around for contractor recommendations, and when I get back from going to Texas, I'm going to have my doors re-done.  They need to be re-framed anyway, due to some rotting wood, and I want to get them painted a nice brown instead of that hideous green.   And finally, get him to replace the broken pane of glass, and cut a little cat door into it.  Then she can come and go -- day or night.  

I don't want to do it until after my trip, though.  I'm kind of worried that if she comes home to an empty house for three days, she might decide she's been abandoned and not come back. 

And lastly, I broke my phone.  I had a screen protector on it, but when I dropped it, it hit just right on that corner, and shattered the screen under the protector.  Now, I'm debating whether to just get the screen and battery replaced, or go for a whole new phone.  Right now, I'm leaning towards new phone.  

I mean, all this overtime has to be good for something, right?  

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