Monday, May 24, 2021

It Didn't Work Out

 I had lots of plans for this weekend.  I was going to do this...I was going to do that...I was going to do a whole bunch of stuff and be productive.

It didn't quite work out that way.

Despite the best of intentions, I pretty much didn't do anything but watch TV all weekend.  I wasn't completely unproductive, though.  I got this sock past the gusset decreases, which thrilled me, as those are my least favorite parts of sock knitting.  

I didn't do much else.  I didn't even mow.  I tried to get out and grub up some of the creeping charlie that's taking over my yard, but there's so much of it, and it's pretty slow going.  I don't feel like I made much progress.  But, while I was getting my weeding tool out of the shed, I snapped an update on the baby birds.

I'm staying away from them for the most part, because I don't want to disturb them too much.  I thought they might be cardinals, because there's been a male cardinal hanging around my shed.  I googled baby cardinal pictures, but I'm still not completely sure.  Like I said, I don't want to disturb them, so I'm not really able to get a good look at them. 

The cat had another one of her spells last night.  You know, those spells where she's yowling all night.  I wish I knew what was setting her off so I could fix whatever her problem is.  Mama needs her sleep!

 I'll tell you one thing, next time she brings me a vole, that thing had better be dead!  Yep, you guessed it.  She brought one into the house yesterday, and it was still alive. She batted it around a bit before it ran behind my entertainment center.  I put out some traps, hoping it would catch itself, but no go. 

Several hours later, it waddled out into the middle of the living room, when I promptly ran over and stomped on it.  I grabbed the broom and swept it out of the back door, then shot it with the pellet gun, just to be sure it was dead. 

I'm getting too old for all this excitement.  

On the other hand, I kind of felt like my new pin was appropriate:

OK, moving right along...

Look!  New yarn:

These are from my friend Leann's shop.  I've been buying her mini skein sets for the blankets. 

One of these years, I'm going to get them finished.  

I'm pretty sure this won't be that year, though...

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