Thursday, June 11, 2020

Quick Post

Well, they put the notice up today.  As of next week, we are back on long, long hours.  The assembly lines will be working 10 hour shifts, and the component areas are on 11 1/2 hour shifts.  Sigh, I've worked there long enough to know it was too good to last.  I mean, we've always worked long hours during peak season, and this year it's complicated by the pandemic. When everything shut down a couple of months ago, they were not expecting it to come bounding back quite so quickly.  The Boss Who Must Not Be Named told us we've got $31 million in orders waiting to be filled, and we've got to get them done.  

Thus, overtime.  Lots and lots of overtime.  

I'm not going to complain, though.  I figure the more hours I work, the faster I can bet my bills paid off and build up my savings.  And the quicker I get my savings built up, the sooner I can quit that awful job.  

And go home.  

But first, I have to get through another summer of 4:00 AM mornings.  And yes, I'm well aware that just last week, I was the one complaining about having to go to work with the sun already up.  At least things will feel normal again.  I'll be a creature of the night once again.  

All that to say, this is going to be a short post, but I wanted to show you something.  

If you've read my blog for any length of time, you'll know I've been at war with the chipmunks in my yard. I bought a live trap last summer and have caught and dispatched five of the little buggers all together.  

Well, the reason I bought a live trap instead of a kill trap was because if a bird or something got into it, I wouldn't want to accidentally kill it. It's a good thing I did, because in the last week, I've caught a squirrel and a wren, both of which were released unharmed.  I also caught a rat, which was not released unharmed.    

The first thing I do when I get home from work every day is to check the trap,  and today I noticed it had been sprung.  This time, it wasn't a chipmunk, a squirrel, or even a rat.  Look at what it was:

A baby bunny!  I was so tempted to keep him as a pet, but I didn't.  The main reason being, I don't believe in taking wild caught animals as pets, and also because I didn't think I'd have time to take care of yet another animal.  In the end, I took little Bugs out behind the fence where the dogs wouldn't bother him, and released him back into the woods from whence he came. 

Maybe someday, I can get a pet bunny, but when I do, it'll be a captive bred rabbit from a reputable breeder.  Not a wild thing.  

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