Yep, unless they cancel it at the last minute, we will be working Saturday, and when they posted, oh you should have heard the hooting and hollering and weeping and wailing from the people acting like they'd never worked there before.
And I was like, "Y'all stop acting like you've never worked here before!"
Truth is, even in the best of times, we're usually working six days a week as soon as we get back in January, so this has been a nice little break. As much as I've been enjoying my weekends, I'll be glad of some overtime. I'd like to pay for this work I need done on my house without having to dip into my 401(k), at least as much as possible, and I sure don't want to re-finance. Not if I can help it.
In better news, I think I may have solved a mystery with my blood sugar. I'd been frustrated here lately, because I'd been trying to eat so well, but when I'd check my fasting glucose in the mornings, it was always high. Not dangerously high, but higher than I'd like for it to be.
Well, Sunday morning when I checked it, I fully expected it to be high because of the two marshmallows I'd eaten Saturday. Much to my surprise, it was only 96. So, all day Sunday, I tried to be careful, and I woke up Monday expecting my glucose to be pretty low. But it wasn't.
I couldn't understand why...then it hit me. It was my vitamins! For some reason, I'd started taking them right after I got up -- about 15 minutes before I checked my blood sugar. I ran in and checked the ingredients, and sure enough, of the ones I take (calcium, a multivitamin, and CoQ-10), the very first ingredient in all three was some form of sugar. Not a lot, but just enough to skew the results.
Since then, I've been making sure not to take my vitamins until after I'd checked my fasting glucose, and it's been below 100 these last two mornings. Let's just hope that trend continues.
And finally, even though I just started a book, I've set it aside to read the fourth book in the Whimbrel House series, which I'd forgotten I'd preordered.
I've really enjoyed this series, and I might have to check out some more of this author's work, especially if this last book is as good as the first three were.
I'll be sure and let you know.
Vitamin C will increase your glucose too. And anything with maltodextrin will raise it. So all those sugar-free things and splenda mixes ... if there is maltodextrin in it, it basically cancels it out if you are trying to keep your blood sugar low.
I didn't know that about the Vitamin C. Hmmm, but still, I think I'm doing pretty good. When I got home from work yesterday, my glucose was down to 77, so I was pretty happy about that. I think I mainly need to find the energy somehow to exercise more. I've slacked off a lot here lately, and I need to get back to it.
Your system is probably so taxed and that's why you don't have a lot of energy.
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