Saturday, December 02, 2023


This has been a football watching weekend and it's not over yet.  But do you know what is over?  CBS's contract with the SEC!  After the championship game, which is airing even as I type this, their contract -- meaning the SEC -- will go to ESPN starting next season.  We all know what that means.  

No more Gary!!!  At least not SEC games.  CBS will still carry the service academies' games, but they're mostly on CBS SportsNetwork, and Gary doesn't call games on that one.  

In other football related news, the local team played their hearts out last night, but eventually lost the state championship game.  And I ended up subscribing to that streaming service so I could watch, but cancelled it this morning.  I still have access for a month, so I can watch my friend's high school play this evening, but won't really need it again until next fall.  Maybe if I turn it back on in August, I can watch my old high school play.  Hmmmm...

And earlier today, Texas won their last Big 12 championship game, and they did it convincingly.   So convincingly we got to see Arch Manning play.  Just a few plays, but still...

While I watching all that football -- plus the Cowboys game Thursday night -- I finished another hat. 

Then I cast on a pair of fingerless mitts for me.  

The pattern is Fetching from, and the yarn is Red Heart Grey Heather.  I've noticed that my thumb joints are getting really sore when it's cold outside, and I'm hoping these will help keep them a bit warmer.  

I'd debated on going to my town's tree lighting on the square this evening, but wasn't really sure I wanted to.  I knew I'd enjoy it if I went.  It's just this whole getting dressed and leaving the house thing that had me indecisive.  I was waffling back and forth, but that decision was taken out of my hands when the powers that be decided to postpone it until Monday due to inclement weather.  I probably won't go, but will stream it like I did last year. 

So, I decided to do a thing this year.  Actually, I've done things before, but this time it has a name.   I know most of you have heard of vlogmas over on YouTube.  That's where content creators put out a short video every day in December.   Back in the day, before social media put bloggers on the back burner, we had all sorts of things like that.  I participated in a few of them, mostly Soctober and I think i did Blogmas way back in the day.  I don't remember for sure. 

Well, yesterday I was reading my friend Marcy's blog and she was talking about doing Blogmas.  It got me thinking, "Hey, I can do Blogmas, too!"  I mean, I was going to do my Advent calendar every day anyway, so this year, that will also be my Blogmas.  All I have to do is create a hashtag on social media and I'm in. 

So without further ado, here is day two of the Advent and Blogmas:

 The image is the palm tree and the verse of the day is, 

        The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lordthey will flourish in the courts of our God. -- Psalm 92: 12-13
The song I chose is, naturally, Oh Christmas Tree.  

For what it's worth, I'm trying to find these carols being performed in the more traditional way, but not videos sounding like they're sung by a bunch of children.  This is the best I could get of this one. 

Like King George ever does a bad song...

Now if you'll excuse me, Winona high school is playing now, and I need my computer to watch it -- the SEC championship being shown on my TV.  



Amnicon Studio said...

I meant to comment yesterday. The day got away from me. Good for you for getting started on those fetchings!

And it's nice to have a buddy for the blogmas. :-)

Becky G said...

No worries! It happens to me, too sometimes.