Wednesday, September 04, 2019


My printer and I are having a bit of a stand off.

Well, let me back up for a second and give you the back story.  See, in my piano book, there are a few songs that are giving me fits.  Also, there are some that I just like playing.  But I don't want the ones giving me fits to hold me back and keep me stuck in the same place week after week. 

I had the bright idea that I'd just run off copies of those songs and practice them separately, so I could go on with my lessons.  I snatched up my book and ran into the computer room to do just that.

I put the book onto the scanner and hit the copy icon, only to see the message: Print cartridge needs changing. 

It was the blue cartridge.  No biggie, I'd just switch it to black and white copies and make my music.

But the copier wouldn't do it.  It kept saying I needed to change my blue cartridge. 

"I'm not going to use blue ink, though," I told the copier. 

"You still need to change the cartridge before I can make your copies," the copier said.

"But I'm making black and white copies," I insisted.

"You still need to replace the blue cartridge," it said.

"Why? I'm not even going to use blue."  I said.

"Because I said so!" the copier replied. 

Sigh, it's not the first time I've lost an argument with an inanimate object.  And it probably won't be the last.  So, I guess until I get a new cartridge, I'll just be flipping back and forth in the book. 

We have the weekend off again - just a normal weekend, though, not a long one.  I'll still have plenty of time to practice again.  By the way, if I could play every single song ever written with just a G chord, I'd be jamming on that guitar.  I've got that one.  It's the rest of them I can't play. 

Finally, look what I've got to look forward to. 

I don't even want to think what the heat indices will be.  Look at Monday and Tuesday!  It's going to be absolutely miserable at work.  I sure hope they pass out Popsicles. 

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