Monday, September 30, 2019

Fiber Fun In The 'Sip Part II

You have no idea how jarring it was when I walked into the house yesterday morning, and my dogs weren't there to greet me.  Everything felt off.  But they're home, now and all is right in my world again.

Heh, all day at work I was counting down the hours until I could go pick them up. 

Think she's happy to be back on her love seat?

Speaking of work, I've heard that 8 people have quit in the last week.  Some of them have been out there for 20 years or more, but they just got fed up and found themselves better jobs.  The good news is, my stalker wasn't there!  It was like having an extra day of vacation.

Now, on to today's topic of discussion, Fiber Fun In The 'Sip classes.

First of all, let me say, I don't like having classes on Thursday.  Even though I allowed plenty of time for the drive, there was still a certain amount of anxiety -- particularly when I ran into construction in Canton.  Yes, I allowed extra time, but did I allow enough?  Did I allow too much?  And if so, what am I going to do until the class starts?  I can't check into the hotel until 4:00 PM, so that's not an option...

It's the INTJ in me.

Nevertheless, I did get there in plenty of time, but not too terribly early, so it all worked out in the end.

My first class was pin loom weaving on the Zoom Loom, taught by Beverly Anglin.  My friend Christi took her class last year, and it looked like so much fun, I started to order a loom online.  I just never got around to it.  I was thinking, when I knit all those charity hats, you eventually get to a point that you don't have enough yarn for another hat, but it's too much to throw out.  If I can make a bunch of squares of the leftover yarn, I can make a blanket.  When I saw the class offered again, I immediately signed up for it.

Here we see Beverly instructing one of my classmates in the finer arts of --well, I'm not exactly sure what they were doing.  I think she was showing her how to take the completed square off the loom.

At the end of class, I asked if I could take a picture of everyone, so I did.

Then Beverly said, "You're not in it!"  And she took one of us students.

Over the next few evenings, I got quite a few squares woven.

The one I made out of cotton came in quite handy, since the hotel didn't provide coasters.

Once I got the hang of doing them, I could finish a square in about 20 minutes, and it only takes about 8 yards of yarn per square.

The second class I took Friday morning was Tibetan spindle, taught by Teresa Goatey.  I've used drop spindles before, but the Tibetan spindle was new to me.  It's much bigger, and you spin it with the point resting on the floor.

She taught us the park and draft method, since it was a class for absolute beginners.   Probably a good thing, since I haven't spun -- in any capacity -- in about 4-5 years.  I can't believe it's been that long!  But it has.  I don't think I've spun since I moved into this house in 2015. 

Anyway, back to my story.  Teresa is the one standing, helping one student wind her single around the spindle.

By the way, her husband makes all the tools, and the fiber came from their own sheep.  She even told us the names of those sheep, but I can't remember them.  Funny thing, I kept noticing a foul smell, and wondered if I was stinking -- or was it one of my classmates.  I finally figured out it was the wool.  I think it might have been the lanolin in it, as she said those particular sheep produce a lot of lanolin.  Still, it didn't stop me from surreptitiously sniffing my pits from time to time...

This is just a shot of the other two students in the class.

And here is the yarn I made!

We got to keep the spindle and nostepinne.

And I finally learned the proper pronunciation of nostepinne.  It's not what I thought it was.  Now, never you mind how I'd been pronouncing it.  All you need to know is, I can say it correctly now. 

That's it for the classes I took this time around.  They were so much fun, and hopefully more useful than the ones I took last year.  Those were inkle loom and continental knitting, by the way, neither of which I've done anything with since. 

Oh, well, they were fun while they lasted. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fiber Fun In The 'Sip

Hello, gentle readers!  I'm back!  Yes, I know it's been a while.  No excuses.  I've just been lazy -- well, except for this weekend.  I've been in Vicksburg since Thursday.  And what was I doing in Vicksburg, you may ask?  Well, I'll tell you.  I was peopling.  I was doing a lot of peopling.  And knitting, and visiting, and eating, and shopping, and all kinds of things. 

Yep, it was the second annual Fiber Fun In The 'Sip!  It's probably going to take me two or three posts to get through it all, so please bear with me.

Today's post will focus on the things I bought, which wasn't that much compared to last year.  I bought my friend Leann's show colorway, Horn Section.  It is the one on the left.  It compliments her colorway from last year right nicely.

The one on the right is a door prize that I won.   It's from Farm Girl Fibers, and the colorway is Nashville Nights.  Funny, Christi and I were shopping in the booths when they called my name as a winner.  I got so excited, I shouted, "Hey!  That's me!"  all the way across the room. 

The only other yarn I bought was a whole bunch of mini skeins for my sock yarn blankets.

I've already knit one of them into the first blanket.

It's from Cedar Hill Farm Company, and the colorway is Written On The Wind. All of the smaller minis on the right are from them.  The ones on the left are from Leading Men Fiber Arts

For those of you who may be new -- or have memories like mine -- I have three of these blankets going.  One is for me, one is for my sister, and one is for -- I don't know.  I'll give it to someone, if I ever finish it, that is. 

Those of you with really, really long memories may remember that I sometimes spin, on a drop spindle.  I'd made my own with Sculpey clay.  They worked well, but weren't really balanced that well.  They wobbled a bit.  I've wanted a really nice one for a long time, so I -- didn't buy one.  I bought this one instead. 

It's a good spindle, but not really fancy.  The only thing about it is it's really, really light, so it stops spinning very quickly.  I'm hoping once I get some singles wound around it, it'll spin a bit longer.  As you can see, I've already tried it out. 

The fiber came with the kit.  It's been so long, I've almost forgotten how to spin.  I'm glad I'm practicing on that fiber, and not on some of my good fiber. My friend Sue sent me tons of really nice fiber a few years back when I got my wheel.  I never got good enough on the wheel to want to fool with the good stuff.  Maybe with a new spindle, I'll get back into spinning some. 

Like I don't have enough going on already. 

Finally, the last things I bought were some stitch markers. 

I've never really had much use for them, because I normally just tie scraps of yarn into loops and use them.  These, however, were just too cute, I couldn't resist them.  The top left are U.S. Navy, the top middle are Texas Longhorn, the bottom left is Mississippi, the bottom middle is a treble clef -- appropriate, I thought, since I'm trying to learn to play piano and guitar.  The one on the right is a Harry Potter themed potion bottle. 

I'm not so much into Harry Potter as some people are, but I thought that was cute.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the classes I took. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Whelming Flood

I'd had yesterday's post all ready for you, but things happened and it became another one of those whelming flood* days.  I changed directions, and rewrote the post, but in the end, I decided I just needed to not post it after all.

So what happened that caused me to become whelmed?  First of all, I found out one of my coworkers had a slight stroke.  He'd left work early Wednesday, not feeling well, and the word came back he'd had a stroke.  He's going to be OK, by the way.  I asked one of the supervisors if he had any update, because nobody tells us anything, and he said, "[Other Supervisor] saw him at McCallister's last night."

They'd given him that shot to dissolve the clot, and he was able to go home after only a few hours.  They say he'll be able to come back Monday.  Another coworker said his doctor told him he's going to have to give up one of his jobs, though, because he's stressing himself out.  Still, it's amazing how far medicine has advanced since my Grandma had her stroke that left her partially paralyzed for the rest of her life.

My excitement over that coworker's good news was dampened just a few moments later, when I found out another coworker has been diagnosed with cancer.  His wife also works out there, and we're as concerned about her as about him.  She's one of those people who just can't do anything for herself.  He has to do everything for her.  I don't think she even drives.  If something happens to him, who will care for her? 

What really caused the flood to get whelming, though, was the flooding -- the literal flooding in Texas.  Yes, thanks to Imelda, once again my hometown is under water.  I've managed to hear from all my family, and they're all safe.  None of their homes flooded this time around, however, I do have one high school friend who had a foot of water in her house.  She was heartbroken, because they'd just finished re-doing the floors.  I mean, like two weeks ago.

They are saying some areas flooded worse than when Harvey went through.  And I'm stuck here.  I'll admit, yesterday when the rain started, my first inclination was to get into the car and drive down there.  I don't know what the heck I thought I'd be able to do once I got there, but I wanted to go.  Cody messaged me this morning and said he's ready to drop everything and run, if anyone needed his help, and unlike mine, his boss would actually approve his time off to do just that. 

After all that, yesterday's post went in a completely different direction, but in the end, I didn't even post it.  Some days, you just need to rest on The Solid Rock.

I woke up today feeling a lot better -- even though once again, they've taken the rain out of our forecast.  It's so dry, even my drought resistant Moss Rose are dying.

This is the best looking one of the lot.  The rest are pretty sad.  They are so sad, I got out and watered everything this afternoon.

I wish I still had my old soaker hose, but I don't.   What I did instead was to just turn the water barely on, and let it drip for about half an hour.   My Vincas perked right up.

This is just a gratuitous shot of the deep purple Vincas.

This is a surprise, however.  This is a different kind of Moss Rose. 

It seeded from the one I had in my hanging basket last year. 

I got another surprise when I went out to fill my squirrel feeder.  Something has absconded with my suet cake holder.  I mean, the whole thing is gone.  I looked all over, even up in the trees.  It had to have been a raccoon.  I can't think of anything else that could have gotten it off the hook. 

That was balanced out by seeing one of my yearling bucks -- the 7 point, and he's out of velvet!  I couldn't get a good picture of him, because it was already pretty dark by the time I saw him, but still...he's out of velvet!

I haven't seen the 4 point, but I'm going to assume he's also out of velvet. 

*This phrase comes from the third verse of one of my favorite hymns The Solid Rock.  I first started using it shortly after the Boston Marathon Bombings, and the West fertilizer plant explosion.  

His oath, his covenant, his blood
Support me in the whelming flood
When all around my soul gives way
He then is all my hope and stay. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I'm absolutely thrilled, y'all.  I went in early this morning for my health screening for insurance. We've done this for years, and every year my cholesterol and triglycerides are high.  The last couple of years, they've been in the upper 200 range.  Each.  The only thing that has saved me is that my HDL is usually high. 

Well, this morning, when she read me my numbers, I could have done a happy dance.  My total cholesterol is still high, but my triglycerides are down to 170!  Yeah, it's above optimal, but much better than last year's 295.  My LDL was also down to 182, from over 200 last year.  I'm thinking it's because about a month ago, I started drinking almond milk.  I still drink regular milk, but I'm drinking at least a cup of almond milk per day.  I'm also thinking about investing in a home cholesterol monitor, just so I can keep a check on it.  If I can get it down through diet and exercise, maybe I can avoid having to go on medication for it.  Of course, I have to get off my lazy butt and exercise...

Speaking of medication, my blood pressure is also holding steady at 110/80.  High blood pressure runs in my family, so I'm also thrilled with those numbers, as well. 

As if that weren't excitement enough for the day, my new Christmas music book arrived.

I didn't even wait to change out of my work clothes before I started playing songs from it.  There are a couple more level 1 books I want to get, then I'll be done for a while.  For real, this time. 

Heh, I have one friend who says if the books bring me joy, then buy them all, and another who wants to stage an intervention.  The books bring me joy.  My checking account, not so much.  I'm thinking about starting a GoFundMe for my piano books.

Or just publishing my wish list.  Think people will go for it? 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Constitution Day

And the fun just never ends.  Here is your TMI warning.  If you're squeamish, you might want to skip the next few paragraphs.

There I was at work, just a working away, when I heard nature's call.  I went to the bathroom to answer said call, and after making a rather sizable deposit into the porcelain bank, got up and turned around to flush.  Only the toilet wouldn't flush. 

I stood there holding the handle down, wiggling it, pushing it sideways -- all the tricks, but only a trickle of water was coming out.  I heard someone come out of the next stall and say, "That one won't hardly flush."  Someone else down the way said, "This one won't either."  I said, "Ain't none of them flushing." 

And yes, I know some of you who'd like to flush that grammar.  But, I feel it's important when I'm with other people to speak in the vernacular.  Yeah...I'm pleading the 5th on that one. 

Back to my story...I stood there wiggling and pushing on the handle until the bank finally accepted my deposit  -- albeit slowly.  I came out of the stall and walked over to the sink to wash my hands.  Aaaand, you guessed it.  No water.  Well, just a trickle.  I managed to get my hands somewhat clean, and as I left the bathroom to go back to my work area, some men came out of their bathroom talking about no water in theirs either.

I decided I probably ought to let someone know, so I went and found my supervisor and reported the problem.  She said, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell y'all."  Turns out there was a leak somewhere, and the city had to cut the water off to fix it.  Then I said something you should probably never ever say to your employer under any circumstances, but I said it anyway. 

"Gee, I wish I'd known that before I did what I did into that toilet." 

And that was my excitement for the day.  The water was only off for about an hour or so, but the next time I went know, go...I flushed before hand just to be sure. 

OK, you squeamish people can pick up reading now.  Only there isn't really that much else to tell. 

Unless you want to hear about how I honored Constitution Day, by teaching my imaginary boyfriend -- who is English, by the way-- the School House Rock song.

To this day, I cannot recite The Preamble without singing. 

I've got to go in early tomorrow for my health screening.  I'd scheduled my time for  5:15, back when we were still coming in at 5:00.  Yeah, that worked out well. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

It's Monday, All Right

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when I put too much milk in my morning oatmeal, and had to eat oat soup for breakfast.  Sigh...

Then I got to work, and came down with a case of the epizoodies.  I was feeling bad last night, but thought I felt a bit better when I got up.  Nope.  I felt awful.  Bad enough I wanted to come home, but not so bad I felt like I needed to come home.  I toughed it out, and the day did get better because I got mail!

I can blame a Facebook friend for these, though.  She was reorganizing some of her bookshelves, and posted a photo.  In said photo was a copy of the C. W. Anderson book, Afraid To Ride.  It was one of my favorite childhood books, so I promptly jumped onto Amazon and ordered a copy.  I wish I'd paid a little more attention to the description, though, because if I'd known it was paperback, I wouldn't have gotten it.  I'd have sprung for one of the hardback copies -- which were all about the same price.  I was just looking at the condition, and picked the one with the best overall condition.  The other one is another of my favorite childhood books. 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, used bookstores are going to be the death of me.  Or of my checking account at least.

And then, there is Amazon..hitting me up with these ads.

Sigh, I just can't win for losing.  I didn't buy that book, but I did order another level 1 Christmas book.  Like the two I already have aren't enough.  *Insert eye-roll emoji here.*

In knitting news, I finally got the errant hat finished.

I was going to box them all up and get them ready to mail, but the epizoodies kept me from doing much of anything other than going to bed early.  Well, much of anything other than casting on another hat, that is.

And finally, can it be Fall, please? 

Pretty please? 

With a cherry on top?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Shine On

Shine on, Harvest Moon.

It's been a family tradition since I was a child to go out and watch the Harvest Moon rise.  Well, my dad and I would, at least.  When Cody was little, we continued the tradition as best we could.  After watching the moon rise, we'd come back in and drink hot chocolate and eat Harvest Moon cookies -- which were just large, round sugar cookies.

Last night, I kept that tradition alive, except for the cookies.  I watched the moon rise until it cleared the trees, then came in and drank hot chocolate, even though it's still getting up into the 90s.

It doesn't look like it's going to get any better any time soon, either.

Not only that, they keep taking the rain out of our forecast.

Since it was too hot to do anything outside, I stayed in where it was cool and just piddled around the house.  The big thing was I bought a hat rack and hung my Yes.Fit medals up.

I put them into the snake/craft/computer room for now.  They just didn't seem to fit anywhere else.  At least they're up off my bedroom dresser.

Look at this:

The hat is almost back to where it was before I ripped it back.  I should be able to get it finished during the Texas vs Rice game this evening, and can send them all off to my friend Monday.

Well, that's about it.  It really was a lazy Saturday, so there isn't much to talk about.   Unless you want to hear about laundry and college football, because that's about all I've done.

Speaking of, it's almost time for Texas to kick off, so I'll catch you later.

Hook 'em.

Friday, September 13, 2019


It would seem, I have made an error.

OK, let me back up a moment.  If you'll recall, last weekend, I'd gotten all the hats out for my friend's blessing bags and washed them.  When I counted them up, there were 39 hats.  I had one more I was going to finish and get the box into the mail Monday.

I'd gotten all the way to the decreases.  I'd even started doing the decreases, when I discovered I'd made an error in the pattern.  I'll admit my first thought was, "Well, a homeless person won't care if the count is one stitch off."  But I would.  Homeless people have enough troubles as it is.  How can I give them less than the best?

I tinked back a few rows, but the error was still there  I tinked back a few more rows.  Still there.

You can see where I'm going with this, right?  Yep, as it happens, I'd made the error in the very first pattern row.   I had to rip all the way back to the ribbing and start over.

This time, I made sure to count stitches very, very carefully.  And I periodically re-count, just to make sure I am still on track.  I've gotten this far.

The plan is to finish this weekend, so I can get the box into the mail Monday.  Wish me luck.

As I've been accumulating more piano books, my little music stand on my keyboard has become a bit crowded.  Truthfully, I'd gotten worried I was going to break it.  One day, as I was practicing, I said to myself, "Self, what you need is a little magazine rack you can set here by the keyboard and put your books into."

However, in my weekly shopping trip, I couldn't find any sort of magazine rack.  I did, however, find this storage bin.  Not exactly what I was looking for, but it'll do for now.

Even so, it's still better than piling everything up on my music stand.

This is a serious bummerage.

I do have the app, but I looked forward getting those emails, too.

Speaking of weather, I can't even remember the last time it rained here.  They keep putting rain into our forecast, then taking it back out.  They'd predicted rain over the weekend.   I mean, like now.  Then they pushed it back to Wednesday.  Now, they've pushed it back to next Friday.  This morning, I broke down and watered my Vincas and Moss Rose.  Even my Spider Lilies aren't doing well.  They aren't blooming.  The buds are withering before they even open.

On the bright side, it was cool enough this morning for me to leave the back door open, for a little while at least.  It didn't last long, before it got so hot the air came on and I had to close it.

Rylea loves laying there, just looking out.

Apparently, Facebook has something new going on.

Um, yeah, that would be a no from me.  Ain't no telling what kind of crazies I'd attract.

While we're on the subject, I was getting ready for work the other morning, when the guy on the radio read an article about Tom Cruise.  Word is, he's gotten a face lift, to preserve his boyish good looks in order to make himself more attractive to the ladies, they say.  He's trying to find his soulmate, they say.

Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom, you just don't get it, do you?  You've been married and divorced three times.  I'd say it's not your face that's the problem.  Men like you never get that it's character that counts with women.  Character, integrity, kindness, and a good heart.

You see these guys, Tom?  Not a one of them is making any attempt to hide his wrinkles or gray hair, and yet, I'd take any one of them over you any day.

Fisherman’s Friends - costadelfolk

Even the Toy Boy.

By the way, I have a couple more sea chanty posts in the works.  I just need to get them typed up.  That'd make a good rainy day project.  If it would ever rain, that is.

Now, if you will excuse me, the Harvest Moon is peeping through the trees, and I must go watch it rise.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget

Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation.  -- Joel 1 : 3

So that we may never forget.

Monday, September 09, 2019

It's The Little Things

I used up the last of my milk this morning making breakfast, so after work, I ran by Dollar General to pick up some more.  The one on Papermill Road, for you local folks.

As I was turning left into the parking lot, I saw the sheriff's truck come flying down the exit (from I-55 for you local folks).  He drove into the intersection of Papermill Rd and 51 hwy ( for you local folks) and just sat there blocking traffic.  A moment later, an ambulance came headed north on 51 and passed on by, out of sight.  They were headed in the direction of my road, and I thought, "Oh, I hope it's not one of my neighbors."

I got my milk and started towards home.  Up the way, I could see the ambulance and sheriff's lights flashing.  As I got closer, I could see there was a wreck up there.  I thought to myself, it's a good thing I needed milk, because if I'd gone straight home from work, I would have been right there about the time that wreck happened.

It's the little things...

I saw they had the whole road blocked in time to turn on Riverdale Rd (for you local folks) and take the back way home.  Eh, I wanted to check the corn crop back there anyway.  It's already been harvested, by the way.  Some of the cotton is starting to open up, too, in the fields that were planted earlier.  Some weren't planted until nearly the middle of June, because of the flooding.  They won't be ready for another few weeks.

Truly, I should have been a farmer.   Or a farmer's wife.  Or a cattle rancher.  Or a shrimping boat captain.  Or a hermit.

By the time I got home, I was laughing at myself.  They probably would have had the road cleared by the time I drove all that way around.  No matter.  I always enjoy taking that drive.  It's so pretty back that way.

Remember a few days back, I was complaining about that Extraterrestrial Highway race I was doing on Yes.Fit?  I finally finished that sucker.

Thank goodness!  That was the most boring race.  Nothing but the same old Nevada desert.  I've already started the next one,  Thor.  It goes around the southern coast of Iceland.  It's got a lot more interesting scenery. 

Also, remember how I said I was done buying piano music books for a while?  It would seem I was mistaken.

This one is hymns, and they're pretty easy, yet not one-fingered scores.  I've already played a couple.  I had to rear myself away from this book and make myself do my regular piano lesson stuff.  Which I will do as soon as I've published this blog. 

Which I will do as soon as I show you this.  I saw both my yearling bucks yesterday evening, and managed to get a few photos of them.

They come and lick up the corn the squirrels toss onto the ground.  Squirrels are wasteful slobs.  They'll get a kernel, take one bite out of it, then throw it down and get another one.

This is my little 7 point.  The other one had already ran off into the woods by this time. He's got 4 points. 

I sure hope nobody shoots him.  Once he gets a little maturity, he's going to be a nice buck.