Sunday, May 05, 2019

Saturday Stuff and Sunday Hymn

So about yesterday -- I had planned on blogging.  Really, I did.  I got off work at 11:00 and thought briefly about running by the lake to check the emergency spillway. 

Hey, it's a small town.  You have to get your entertainment where you can find it. 

I didn't, though.  I came on home, ate lunch, piddled around a bit, then watched the Kentucky Derby.  After the travesty that was this year's Derby, by the time I'd stopped popping, I was put completely out of the blogging mood, so I just went to bed with the intention of catching you up today.

I won't go into all the details -google it if you want to know -- but let me just say, The Kentucky Derby has officially lost all credibility and integrity.  I suppose the winners will now be chosen by who pitches the biggest temper tantrum, rather than by who crossed the finish line first.

If it had been the horse who got bumped that had filed the protest, that would be a different story.  But it wasn't.  It was a different horse, who was not interfered with in any way.  He was just looking for a cheap win.  Unfortunately, the race stewards gave in to his childish fit, and he got it.  I'm not trying to be an armchair quarterback, either.  I have a friend who actually works in the horse racing industry and she said, "Today was a black eye for horse racing."

If things keep going this way, all we'll have left is rodeo and sport fishing.  And that's all I have to say about that.

Now for a bit of good news, Supervisor wasn't at work yesterday, so no one got moved around.  So, yay for that.  The bad news is, it rained all day long.  And I do mean  But every cloud has a silver lining, and I found it.  All that rain means I didn't have to mow!  Woo Hoo!  I went outside this afternoon, and there is enough standing water I can't mow today, either.  It's the little things...

Since I couldn't mow, I finished up the hat I was knitting.

I totally made this pattern up, and I like the way the top turned out.

Then I broke out my new yarn and knit a washcloth. 

I also found a guitar tuner app and tried to tune my guitar.  It sounds better, but it's still not quite right.  I may need to replace the strings.  I'm going to see if Cody can do that for me whenever he comes down to pick up that Jayne hat. 

My practicing has hit a bit of a setback, though.  I broke a glass jar, and as careful as I was trying to be when I picked up the pieces, I still managed to cut my hand in two places.  They weren't bad cuts -- didn't even bleed, and I didn't discover the cuts until an hour or so later.  However, one of them is right on the tip of my finger.  Practicing hurts until you build up your calluses, and for the moment, it hurts even more.  I tried to practice, but only lasted a couple of minutes.  I'm still not sure I have the passion for the guitar I once thought I did.  We'll just see how it goes.

On the other hand, this morning, as I was watching my Contemporary Christian playlist on YouTube, one of the songs had the guitar chords showing on the video.  I saw one of the two chords I know, and shouted, "Hey!  I know that one!"   That's a good sign.

Your PSA for today:  when you drag in a clump of grassy mud on the bottom of your shoe, you should probably sweep it up right away, before you spot it out of the corner of your eye and think it's a giant spider in your kitchen floor and freak out.  Just a bit. 

My cousin James killed this hog in their front yard Thursday morning.

Texas:  a state so great the bacon comes to you! 

They're not going to cook it, though.  Big old boar hogs like that aren't really good for eating.  Tough and gamey. 

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the Sunday Hymn!  A lot of people make fun of Hillsong, but they do have some songs I like.  This is one of them.

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