Friday, May 17, 2019

Let Me Introduce You

To my new favorite t-shirt ever.

Yes, it was kind of expensive, but I really wanted it.   After looking at it for several weeks, I finally broke down and ordered it, and it arrived today.  In fact, I got the text saying it had been delivered, and actually put off a necessary errand to get home to it more quickly.

As soon as I took the picture, I promptly ran and put it on.  And almost as promptly, dropped a big glob of butter on it, leaving a greasy spot.  I wept and wailed, "Oh, my new shirt!  I've stained it already!"  And the shirt seemed to mock me.

But did you die?????


Let me also introduce you to what may be my new favorite movie:  Tombstone. 

I'd heard a lot about this one, and FB is replete with memes from it, but I'd never watched it.   A few weeks ago, I rented it from Amazon.  And watched it twice.  Then I knew I had to have it.  I found it on the $5 shelf at Wal-mart, and promptly tossed it into my basket.  A real one.  Not an online one.

The bad news is, I made it out of Wal-mart and realized I'd forgotten to buy a flag pole.  Hanging my new Texas flag will have to wait.

So will that hat that's been given me fits.  I just couldn't figure out the decreases, so I did what any red blooded American would do.  I tossed it across the room, cursing the day I was born, and cast on something else.

Yes, it is another hat, and I'll probably make a hurricane hat pattern.

One last thing before I go, I finally signed up for that Global Penpals site, but my profile isn't activated yet.  See, I got stuck on this one spot -- tell us a little about yourself.  It's like a horror movie for introverts.  I wonder if I could get away with just posting a link to the blog.

Now, if you will excuse me, I must go google how to get grease stains out of t shirts that mock their wearers.

No, I didn't die, but you might if you don't stop laughing!!!

Stupid shirt.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

To remove grease, Dawn dishwashing liquid!