Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I'm Getting Old

So there I was, just a practicing away, when this happened.


I sat there, just staring at it.  It looked so far away.   Down there.  On the floor. I wondered for a moment if I could somehow, somewhere find the energy to pick it up.  I strummed with my fingers for a bit, then stood up to get my pick.  At that moment,  I thought, "Well, I'm up.  Might as well put my guitar away." 

And that's how my guitar practice ended today.

Oh, there I go, showing off my Irish DNA again.  I hope you have your sunglasses on.  Or maybe a welding mask.

Anyway, I was practicing what Mr. Stine calls scratching.  It's where you mute your strings and just practice strumming to a song or something.  It's how you learn rhythm.  So, I'd gone to one of my playlists on YouTube looking for a song with a good, strong rhythm to practice to.  I found a couple, and went through them.

Somehow, I ended up watching a bunch of old '80s hair band videos.   There's a reason they call them hair bands.  It's another one of those What Were We Thinking? moments.  I must be getting old, because while I was sitting there watching Jon Bon Jovi, Motely Crue, and Styx prancing around the stage, all I could think of was,

I'd rather listen to my old white headed shanty men.

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