Thursday, May 23, 2019

It's A Gift

It was hot in the plant today.  So hot.  Miserably hot.

How hot was it?  It was so hot, Boss Man and Supervisor were passing out electrolyte popsicles.

Sqwincher 3 oz Sqweeze Electrolyte Freezer Pop, Assorted ...

And get this, they let us eat them!  Yes, it was that hot.

When I'd finished mine, I decided to drink the little bit of melted juice that always collects in the bottom of the plastic.  Me, being...well, me, got about half of it into my mouth, and half of it down the front of my shirt.

Which made me gasp.
Which made me suck what little I'd gotten into my mouth down my trachea.
Which made me start coughing and choking to the point I nearly wet myself.
Which made my coworkers all stare and ask if I was OK.
Which made the entire situation instantly awkward.

Yep, that's me.  I can take a simple situation like eating a popsicle and turn it into something awkward.

It's a gift, I tell you.

A gift. 

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