Saturday, May 11, 2019

Not Sunday

The alarm went off way too early this morning.  I quickly hit the snooze button to silence it, wondering why I hadn't turned it off before I went to bed.  That's when it hit me.  It's not Sunday.

Dang it!

Yep, I had to get up and go to work this morning.  When they put the notice up, people were asking how they could make us work on Mother's Day weekend.  And again, I'm like, "Don't act like you've never worked here before!"  When have we ever gotten Mother's Day weekend off?  Maybe once or twice when work was slow, but we usually work this weekend.  Heh, I remember the first year I worked there, and I said something about having to work Mother's Day weekend.  One of my coworkers said, "Well, not everyone has children."  I said, "Yeah, but everyone has a mother."  She said, "I suppose that's true."

You suppose?  And just where did you come from?  Did aliens drop you under a cabbage leaf or something?

Anyway, so many people were out, they had to shut down a line, and ended up sending most of tubing and sub-brazing home at 9:00.  I got five hours of overtime, and still had nearly a whole day off!  Yay for going in at 4:00 AM! yay.  4:00 AM is never a yay moment.  Unless you are going back to bed after answering nature, that is.

There wasn't much I could do with my day, since it rained nearly all day long.  Yes, again.  I did a buttload of laundry, wondering all the while how one single woman can dirty so many clothes.  Especially since I'll wear my t-shirts several days in a row, because I only wear them 2 or so hours a day.  If they don't smell, I'm just as likely to put them back on the next day.  That's probably more information than you needed (or wanted) to know, but there it is.  I am who I am, and I'm too old to change now.

So says the one who is trying to learn a musical instrument in her 50s.  Oh, well.

Speaking of said musical instrument, I changed out three of my guitar strings and needed to take a break, as I think turning those tuners has kicked my tendinitis into high gear.  I promptly got on Amazon ordered one of those string winder things I'd seen in the YouTube videos I watched.   That'll make it a whole lot easier next time I need to change a string. 

I've finally decided what pattern I want to make my next hat in.  I've done this one before.  I adapted it from a sock pattern, but am still working out the kinks in the decreases.

I'd actually done one with decreases I ended up liking, but didn't write it down, so I'm back to square one, since I can't remember squat.  If I figure it out, I'll be sure to write it down this time. 

Finally, Edna was thrilled to see her name in the blog yesterday.  She gushed and gushed about it this morning at work.  Of course, I didn't hear a word she was saying, but I stood there smiling and nodding anyway.  Like I usually do when people are talking to me.  Then she said, "You really ought to write a book."

Awww, gee...Not sure what I would write about, but Edna says she really likes the way I word things.  Maybe if I ever get a life worth writing about,  Imaginary Husbands Don't Cut Real Grass could become a thing after all!

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